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Y/n's POV

Marcy and I have been meeting up secretly for about a week now. And so far, nobody has found out.

I'm on my way to our meeting place, the clearing where we first saw each other again.

I finally reach the clearing and see Marcy waiting on a rock. She seems to be testing how long she can stand on it without falling.

I walk over to her, standing near the rock, maybe about three feet away. I chuckle and call out to her, "Mar-Mar!" She turns her head to me and starts waving.

This causes her to lose her balance on the rock and fall off of it, landing on me.

I fall and soon enough, the ground punches me in the back of my head.

I groan and try to get up, but to no avail. I notice a certain noirette on top of me. I feel the familiar extreme warmth rise into my face.

The past few weeks I've been experiencing a weird feeling in my stomach whenever I see Marcy.

I didn't know what it was until I asked Fizz one day what that feeling was. She said that it was probably caused by me having romantic feelings about someone.

And then proceeded to tease me about liking someone.

I'm snapped out of my flashback to talk to the simps- I mean, my thoughts when I feel Marcy moving on top of me.

I look at her, "Are you okay?" I ask. Her head snaps up to look at me and when she realizes the position we're in, she obtains a significant blush.

"S-sorry!" She says before scrambling to get off of me. After she stands up, she extends her hand down to me to take.

I smile and take it, pulling myself up. I brush the dirt off of me, "Thanks." I say.

"Anyways, what do you wanna do today?" I ask. Marcy looks to the side, still blushing, and says, "Well, I want to talk to you about something.

I tilt my head in confusion, "What is it?" She takes a deep breath, "Well, I've been wanting to tell you that, well, I like you. I, have a crush on you, and I have for a while.. and I wanna know, if you do too. You may respond however and whenever you wish."

Marcy ended with her eyes closed in preparation for rejection. I smile and take her hands in mine, "Um, I like you too, Marcy."

She opened her eyes in surprise. She smiled softly. I take a deep breath and move to hold Marcy's face.

After I have my hand on her cheek, I lean in and she does the same. Our eyes flicker shut and right when our lips are about to meet..

"Y/N!" I hear someone shout my name. We pull away quickly, both of us putting Amity to shame.

I turn to see who yelled and my blush disappears when I spot who's there.


I gasp and Fizz starts talking, "What're you doing here with the enemy?! Are you a traitor?"

My eyes widen in fear, "What?! No! I-I'm not a traitor!" I exclaim.

"Then what are you doing with one of the chief rangers of Newtopia?" She asked me.

I glance from side to side, trying to figure out an answer.

Marcy picked up on my panic and grabbed my hand, squeezing it.

Fizz, unfortunately, also picked up on my panic, "Y/n, we're going back to base, now. We need to discuss this with Zula.

I nod and sigh, slipping my hand out of Marcy's to follow Fizz back to camp.

After we reach camp, Fizz leads me to Zula's tent. She moves the door aside and we walk in.

Fizz goes up to Zula and whispers what happened in her ear. She nods and Fizz returns to my side.

Zula's gaze comes to rest upon me. "You've been seen with the enemy, is that correct?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Do you trust her?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Does she trust you?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Do you trust us?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Zula nods before she continues,

"I have a proposition for you."



Cliffhangers, yayy! Hate reading them but love writing them. (Not really a cliffhanger though.) Bye!

- Finn

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