The Rescue

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Y/n's POV

I wake up, laying in some type of liquid. I open my eyes and look around at where I am.

The liquid I'm laying in is a sickly green, with a weird texture.

I notice that I'm in some type of room, because I notice walls.

But, the closer I look at the walls, they don't look like walls.

I realize that the walls surrounding me are pulsating, and it clicks in my mind.

I'm in a stomach.

Of what though? I think to myself.

I rack my brain for any clue of what beast I might be in the stomach of.

Then, it comes to me.

That barbari-ant. The  giant ant had knocked me out.

But, this stomach is much bigger than the ant that'd knocked me out.

I figure it out quickly.

"Oh frog, I'm in the queen's stomach, aren't I?" I ask myself, already knowing the answer.


I've been awake in here for around half an hour now, stabbing the skin of the stomach with my dagger, trying to escape.

I suddenly hear someone scream and tumble down the throat of the queen.

It's the pink frog from earlier.

He falls face first into the stomach acid, and I walk over slowly and pull him out.

"You okay dude?" I ask him.

He looks at me, squinting slightly, "Yes. Yes I am."

I laugh nervously, "Well, I'm glad you're okay... what's your name again?"

He stops squinting, "Sprig. My name's Sprig."

I nod, "I'm glad you're okay Sprig!"

I rub my hands together, "Okay, now, I'm gonna get back to trying to escape."

He nods and watches me stab the pulsating walls of the stomach.

Only a couple minutes later, I see a familiar noirette fall down the throat, and also land face first into the liquid.

"Marcy!" I exclaim, rushing over to pull her out.

After I pull her out and laughs softly, grabbing a bone.

"Hey babe! Time to get you guys out!" She says, starting to hit the stomach in certain places, grunting while she does so.

Soon, I feel the stomach tighten, seemingly about to spit us out.

"Hold on!" Marcy yells, putting the bone under her, and grabbing Sprig and I.

I feel a gust of air push us up and out of the queen ant, gliding on the bone midair.

Both me and Sprig look up at Marcy, and her eyes flash green for a moment, she looks down at us, and then winks.

Sprig's pupils dilate and he says, "Trustworthy." With sparkles in his eyes, while I just stare and blush.

Soon, the bone falls, and Marcy uses her crossbow to swing us, Sprig screaming, and me holding onto her like a koala.

I hear Anne, Hop Pop, and the pollywog cheer from below us.

That doesn't last for long, seeing as the queen almost immediately slices the rope, and we fall.

I close my eyes and hear the three on the ground yelling, and scrambling to catch us.

We end up being caught by Anne, but just tumble to the ground because of the weight and the momentum.

We all open our eyes, watching as the barbari-ants surround us.

Anne and the pollywog start asking Marcy what to do, but she just takes out her phone and counts down.

"Three, two one."

Mushrooms around the room start emitting an orange smoke that makes the barbari-ants run away, including the queen.

Marcy and I begin to plug our noses, while Sprig says, "It actually smells kinda nice!"

Marcy and I look at each other and say, "Yeah, I mean it will liquify your lungs if you breathe to much of it so..."

Anne gets startled and says, "Welp! Time to go!" And we start to leave the cave.

As we're running, Anne says, "You really have changed." To Marcy.

The noirette smiles at her, but the moment is ruined when Hop Pop and the pollywog says, "You're on fire again."

"What?!" Marcy exclaims.

She stomps it out while saying, "Oh, come on! There wasn't even any fire this time!"

I help her stamp it out quickly, and we continue on our way out.


Once we reach the entrance of the cave,  Sprig says, "Sorry for all the suspicion earlier. I was wrong." To Marcy and I.

We're about to respond, when he starts gagging, eventually throwing up some stomach acid onto Hop Pop's shirt, burning it completely off.

The orange frog grunts, "Dang it Sprig!"

We all laugh at the scene in front of us.

I yawn as we approach the city, and Marcy looks at me, "You tired?" She asks.

I nod, "Yeah, I was kinda hacking at the queen's stomach for half an hour, so I'm kinda sleepy."

She gestures for me to come over to her, and she squats down slightly, signalling for me to climb onto her back.

I smile and thank her, climbing onto her back, wrapping my arms around her, and nuzzling my face into her neck, closing my eyes.

"Awww!" I hear Anne say.

"Oh shut up!" Marcy says playfully.

I smile, and soon drift off to sleep.



Soo, hi. I'm sorry. Kinda forgot about this for a hot second. But, I hope this made up for the wait! Sorry again, bye!

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