Couple Moment

103 7 4

Y/n's POV

My eyes open, and I scan my surroundings. After my eyes adjust, I notice that I'm in Marcy's bed.

I look around for the noirette herself, and soon find her cuddled up next to me.

I smile, and wrap my arms around her, pulling her closer to me.

After I do this, she shifts in my arms, and her eyes open a little bit.

Marcy glances up at me, and when she notices my eyes on her, she smiles sleepily.

"Hi Y/n!" She says groggily.

I kiss her forehead, "Hi Marbles."

She blushes and hides her face in my chest, tightening the grip she had around me.

My face heats up, and I squeeze her a little, "What happened to Anne and the Plantars?" I ask.

She looks back up at me, "They're in the hotel with the golden credit card."

I nod, smiling at her, "What else happened while I was out?"

Marcy thinks for a moment, "Andrias sent me and the others on one of the scavenger hunts, and we met up with him. Anne and him spoke for a bit, and then he gave her the credit card, and told me to relax."

She finishes her explanation, clearly too tired to go into detail right now.

"Okay." I say, bringing the noirette closer to me.

She buries her face in my chest again, and I rest my head on top of hers.

"I love you." I say.

"Love you too." She responds.

Soon, I notice her breathing slowing down, and becoming more even.

I smile, closing my eyes, and going back to sleep.



Sorry for the short chapter, I kinda only had motivation for fluff. This is kinda a filler chapter to show what Marcy and Y/n did during 'The Plantars Check In'. Bye now!

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