A New World

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Y/n's POV

I wake up to the feeling of sand beneath me. I push myself up and spit out some sand. I sit up and wipe the sand off of my face.

After I get all of the sand off of my face, I look around, observing my surroundings.

I seem to be on a beach next to what looks like an ocean.

On my left there is a place that looks like a medieval camp. I stand up and brush my torso and pants off.

I turn towards the camp and start walking to it. About halfway to the entrance, I stop, hearing rustling nearby.

I looks around and as soon as my gaze reaches a certain bush, something jumps out at me, pinning me down on my stomach with my hands behind back.

And now the sand is back in my mouth.

I hear a triumphant laugh come from above me. I sigh and spit out the sand, then speak, "What the hell dude! Get off of me!"

I hear the laughing stop and a very high pitched voice come from above me, "I will do no such thing, you trespassed on our land!"

I form an 'O' shape with my mouth, "Oh, sorry, I didn't know." I paused before continuing, "Can I go now?"

I heard the voice sound from above me again, "Well, sorry, I can't let you do that." I groan, "And why's that?"

The person on top of me responds, "Because we've never seen something like you before, we need to study you."

"What do you mean, 'you've never seen something like me'?" I ask.

The voice spoke, "Well, if you haven't noticed, there aren't a lot of your kind around here, in fact, you're the first sighting in, well, ever!"

I'm confused so, to see what the voice meant, I turn my head to look at it and come face to face with a giant green axolotl!

I squint in confusion, "Well that's new." I say.

The green axolotl's face turns into a look of offense, "I'm new? No, you're new!"

I make an annoyed face, "Jeez, sorry. I didn't mean to offend you."

The axolotl looked away and huffed out, "Well you did!"

I smiled and chuckled, "Again, I'm sorry, anyways, what's your name?"

The green axolotl glances back at me before answering, "I'm Cricket. What's yours?"

I smile wider, "Nice to meet you Cricket, I'm Y/n."

Cricket nods and slowly gets off of me, "Okay, you can get up now, but follow me."

I nod and start following Cricket to the camp. I'm still smiling but that quickly falls away when I remember something from earlier.

"Hey Cricket, what did you mean when you said you were gonna study me earlier?" I ask.

He turns to me and replies, "Oh, I meant we're gonna test you to see if you're fit for fighting and if you are, we'll recruit you for the rebellion."

I nod, then ask, "What's the rebellion for?" Cricket tenses up and scowls, "We're rebelling against the king of Amphibia, King Andrias."

I nod, noting to ask at another time.

We eventually reach the camp. I look up and see a sigh hanging in between two wooden poles reading, 'Welcome To Haling Coast, Home Of The Rebellion'.

Cricket opens the doors to the camp to reveal a harem of axolotls (That's what a group of axolotls are called).

All of them turn to us as we enter, some of them gasping, others preparing weapons.

Crickets holds his hands in front of him, "Don't attack, this beast will not hurt us." I see the axolotls squint but lower their weapons.

Cricket motions for me to follow him, so I do. He leads me to the biggest tent that's in the center of the camp.

We reach the front of it and he tells me to wait where I am, and he goes inside. While I'm waiting, what looks like a melanoid axolotl comes up to me.

"Um, hello." They ask. I smile, "Hi, what's your name?" Their eyes widen in surprise, "Oh, I'm Fizz! What about you?"

"I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you." I reply. I see Fizz open her mouth, about to speak, but it's that moment when Cricket decides to poke his head out and tell me to come into the tent.

I nod, wave goodbye to Fizz and follow Cricket into the tent.

When my eyes adjust to the darkness of the tent, I spot a firefly axolotl sitting behind a desk.

They speak, "Hello, you must be the beast that Cricket told me about." I nod and she continues.

"I am Zula, the leader of this camp. Now what are you?"

I answer quickly, "I'm a human." Zula tilts her head in confusion but shakes her head after a moment.

"Okay, on to different matters, can you fight?" She asked.

I nodded, remembering that Sasha taught me some martial arts. She may not be the best of friends, but she can help you defend yourself.

Zula nodded in return, "Good, because we're going to train you to become a valuable soldier in this rebellion."

I smile, "Yes ma'am!" Zula smiled softly, "Okay. Now, you start training tomorrow."

I nod and then Zula gestures for me to leave the tent with her hand. I turn around and start walking out.

Guess I'm gonna be a soldier. I think to myself as soon as the fresh air hits me.



Okay, so I'm gonna make Y/n a bit of a axolotl nerd. Also, if you don't know what the types of axolotls I was talking about look like, here.

 Also, if you don't know what the types of axolotls I was talking about look like, here

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This is your key to the rest of the axolotls I will mention. Anyways, that's all, bye!

- Finn

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