Anne At The Gates

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(So, I have forgotten this for almost a month. BUT, I was reminded by @SilverCloud1000 a couple days ago, and now, a chapter is here. Enjoy!)

(Also, in between the last chapter and this one, Y/n and Marcy started dating.)

Y/n's POV

I've been here in Newtopia for about two weeks now, and I've gained some information against King Andrias. I've reported what I knew the first week, which wasn't a lot, to Zula.

Now, I have some better evidence than before, and I'm ready to report it.

I grab my walkie talkie and go into the trapdoor I found under Marcy's rug while she's still sleeping.

I stand on the stairs, not going completely into the basement. I hold the walkie talkie up to my face and twist the knob on it, changing to the correct station.

"Madame Zula, do you copy, this is Y/n with the weekly report." I say quietly into the walkie talkie.

I hear static crackling coming from the device before a familiar commanding voice sounds from it.

"Hello again Y/n. What is the information you have gathered?" Zula asked, getting right to the point.

I hummed before answering, "Well, I found a basement below the castle that has ghost like creatures, old paintings, and a lot of mirrors. I also found some stuff about the music box I told you about. Well, just a picture of it, but it shows that King Andrias knows about it!"

After I finish my report, I can hear Zula hum in understanding, "Okay. Look into the music box picture. Goodbye." She says before the static returns, indicating that she had turned her walkie talkie off.

I sigh and walk back upstairs, opening the trapdoor and climbing through, making sure not to wake Marcy. I hide the walkie talkie, and climb into bed next to the noirette.


A couple hours after I fell asleep, I'm woken up by Marcy, getting her uniform on. I groan and throw my arm over my eyes, trying to be respectful towards her and not watch her change like a pervert.

"Morning." I say groggily. I hear Marcy squeak and rush to put the rest of her clothes on. "G-good morning!" She finally responds.

I slowly take my arm off of my eyes, making sure that she's done changing. Once I see that she is, I take my arm off fully.

I look at her and smile, soon causing the noirette to return the smile before walking over to me.

I raise myself onto my elbows, looking at Marcy expectantly. She chuckles and leans down, giving me a quick peck on the lips before pulling away.

I grin and sit up fully before swinging my legs over the side of the bed and standing up.

I walk over to the dresser and grab my clothes out of it, and turn around.

"You gonna just watch, or are you gonna go work?" I ask Marcy playfully.

She blushes before walking over to me and giving me another peck on the lips and pulling away, "I'm gonna go. Farewell my love!" She says while walking out the door.

I sigh in happiness, blushing as I watch her leave the room. I shake my head soon after to clear my thoughts, and start getting changed.

After I've finished doing that, I head out of the room, closing the door behind me.

I start walking around the castle, looking for my girlfriend.

After searching for a bit, I bump into a newt. He apologizes for bumping into me, and starts walking away.

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