Battle Recaps

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Y/n's POV

It's been about a month since I've arrived in Amphibia. And in that short amount of time, I've fought a few battles.

Here are some examples:

~First Battle~

I wake up to yelling and ordering coming from all around the camp. Fizz is shaking me, "Wake up! We have to go!"

I stir and sit up, rubbing my eyes. "What?" I ask. Fizz pulls me up harshly, "We have to go now." I nod and get my gear on, grabbing my weapons as I exit the tent.

I see everyone rushing out of the camp, and I follow quickly. As soon as I leave the camp premises, I see newts(?) fighting our soldiers.

I gasp and rush into the mob of amphibians. I pull out my sword and swing it at the closest newt. It isn't facing me so it didn't expect it.

I hit it in the nape of its neck and blood squirted out of the cut. The newt soon fell to the ground.

Not even five seconds later, I hear a whoosh come from my left. I swing my sword in that direction to block it, and I hear metal scraping against metal.

I quickly turn to the newt who's attacking me, and I push my sword closer to the newt and twist it, disarming the newt.

Soon after that, I plunge my sword into its chest and pull it out quickly so that the blood and escape.

The battle went on, and I killed newt after newt. A while later, we'd won the battle, and I got out mostly unscathed, beside a few bruises.

~Third Battle~

It's the middle of training when I hear the enemy alarm (Which I created after the first fight).

I quickly turn around and run to the entrance of the camp with my comrades.

We reach the doors in a matter of seconds, weapons out and ready to fight. This time there were more newts than the first two battles.

I take a deep breath and prepare myself for battle. All at once, we rush forward and start attacking the newts.

I go into the center of a circle of newts, hold out my sword, and do a quick spin-around, successfully decapitating all seven newts.

I smirk and go onto my next target.

After a bit of fighting, a bigger newt starts attacking me. I block its attacks and dodge the swings of their sword.

I fail to dodge one swing though, and their sword cuts across my cheek. I scoff in offense and take their moment of confusion to stab them in the stomach.

I did not come out of this battle unscathed like the last two, I instead came out with a new scar.

~Fifth Battle~

This battle, is the one I'm fighting in right now, at the moment, I've decapitated four newts, stabbed three in the heart, and stabbed six in the stomach.

Right now, I'm fighting two big newts. I sigh and take my dagger out, "Goodbye, dear friend." I say to it, before I throw it into one of the newt's hearts with pinpoint precision.

I smirk and face the other one, quickly jabbing my sword into their skull. I watch as they fall to the ground, blood pouring out of their head wound.

I turn my head to look for my companions, and spot Fizz, fighting a big-ish newt, while another one comes up behind her, raising their sword.

I dash over to them and disarm the newt behind Fizz by cutting off both of their arms. The newt yelps and I stab it in the stomach.

I quickly turn around and start to help Fizz, and we quickly kill the newt she was fighting.

The battle goes on with me and Fizz helping each other.

I start to take deep breaths in and out after I see the last newt fall. I look around and see some of my comrades who have fallen, and are either dead or bleeding out.

You see, after battles, I help the axolotls that aren't dead by replacing missing body parts with robot parts.

I rush to help the axolotls who are bleeding out, to the healing tent.

When we reach the tent, I lay the axolotls on cots and get my materials around.

After I've gathered the things I need, I get to work replacing body parts. The doctor helps me sometimes because I've been training them so that they can help me.

Their name is Zippy and they're a GFP axolotl. They're also a great assistant most of the time.

Thankfully, today is part of the 'most of the time' category.

After I've finished fixing everybody who needed it, I thank Zippy for their help, head to my tent to lay down, and get some sleep.

I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.



This chapter kinda describes part of your life in the axolotl army. And how brutal you are as well. Now, I'm not the best at writing fight scenes, scene above (Get it?), but I am good at writing murder scenes. Anyways, this was a shorter chapter as a counterpart to the longer one from yesterday. Okay now, bye!

- Finn

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