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Y/n's POV

It's been almost two months. Two months since I've gotten trapped here. Two months since I've seen my friends.

Today, I've been sent out on a solo patrol mission to scout for more newts. I'm hoping not to find any though.

... Apparently I'm not getting what I hoped for today. I think as I see an armada of newts made up of about three of them, plus one hooded figure that doesn't have the same familiar build as the rest.

I sigh quietly, draw my sword, and start sneaking around. I stand in a nearby patch of dense trees, trying to go unnoticed.

While walking, I step on a particularly loud stick that snaps and echoes into the clearing the armada is in.

I groan when one of the newts says, "Come out now, we know you are there." In a flamboyant-ish voice.

I walk out of the trees, sword in hand. "Well hello there." I say while twirling my sword in my hand.

The tiny newt gasps, "It's the uniform of the rebellion!" She says in an alarmed voice.

I roll my eyes before stopping my sword from spinning and holding it in front of me.

"This is not what I had planned for today." I mumble to myself as the tiny newt rushes at me with two little daggers in hand.

I swiftly block her attacks and then basically dropkick her across the clearing. I suck in a breath through my teeth, "Ooh, that's gotta hurt."

"Sorry!" I yell over to the tiny newt. I hear a loud groan come from her in response.

Before I can check if she's okay, I see the newt that called out to me earlier come at me with a sword.

I use my sword to deflect the attacks before lowering myself to swipe his feet out from under him.

He falls to the ground and is knocked unconscious. I raise myself up to my normal height.

After I stand up, I spot the largest newt charging at me, fists raised. I stand still until he's almost about to hit me, and then I side step out of the way and he crashes into a tree.

I glance at him, noticing him being unconscious as well before turning to the hooded figure. I assume it's the previous newts leader because they sent them to fight me instead of fighting me themself.

I start towards them but stop when I'm almost at their side. It sounds like their... crying?

I walk the rest of the distance, and now I'm standing right in front of them. "Um, are you okay?"

I hear them sniffle before they jump on me, wrapping their arms around my torso.

I look from side to side before looking down at the person hugging me. I hesitantly pat their back.

I hear them speak after a moment, "You're okay!" My eyes brighten up at their voice.

"Marcy?" I ask. They pull away and take off their hood revealing Marcy, crying.

I put my hand to my mouth and tears start to form in my eyes as well. I quickly pick her up and spin her around before putting her down and hugging her again.

"I'm so happy you're okay Mar-Mar." I say. I pull away, "But, what are you doing with the newts?"

Marcy's smile falters, "Well, I work for the king and-" I interrupt her, "You work for the king?"

She nods and I start backing away. She looks confused, "What are you doing?" She asks.

"You work for the king, I'm working to defeat the king." I say so that she understands.

Marcy's eyes widen, and then she shakes her head, "Why would you work against the king? He's a nice and fair ruler!"

I glance to the side, "Not according to the axolotls..." I mumble. Marcy hears this though and her eyes widen further, "The axolotls? But those guys are evil and ruthless!"

My eyes narrow, "Do not say that about them." I say in a low voice. She speaks again, "But they're monsters!"

I'm angry now, "Do NOT call them that!" Marcy takes a step backward in shock.

I scoff and turn around, starting to walk away. "N/n, wait!" She calls after me.

I freeze. I haven't heard someone call me that nickname in almost two months.

I feel her grab my hand, "I'm sorry!" She says. I sigh and turn to her after pulling my hand out of her grasp.

"I'm not going to say that it's okay, but, you are forgiven." I say. Marcy's smile returns.

The noirette clears her throat before speaking, "Um, I was wondering if we could meet in secret? Just so that, you know, we can hang out and not get in trouble since we're on different sides of the battle."

I think for a moment before nodding, "Okay, but I'm going to go now, you should probably check up on your teammates."

She nods and turns away, walking to help her teammates, "Bye!" She says.

"Bye." I respond while walking away, back to camp.



So, I haven't updated for three days. Sorry about that, but my friend needed help with something. Anyways I made up for it with you meeting Marcy, well, I hope it makes up for it. Bye!

- Finn

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