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I left the front door of the bar around 10:30, I was relieved to have an early night. Plus, a $500 tip was always going to put me in a good mood. I locked the door as I started walking towards the substation when I feel a car pull over just in front of me. I look to see a black Aston Martin DB11, my dad's dream car.

I speed up a little not wanting to get kidnapped when the door swings open and out gets Xavier.

He had left me an hour ago, insisting I rush his card as well I was not expecting him to be hanging around. I stop in my tracks looking at him with a frown.

"It's a little late for you to be walking the streets alone isn't it Dolcezza?" he leans against his car pulling out a cigarette and placing it between his teeth before lighting it.

"I have to walk to the subway, Plus I do this way later normally" I snap back to him my eyes unable to leave his. It felt as if I was in a trance, I was unable to break.

He had taken off his suit jacket, the long sleeves on his shirt had been rolled up to reveal tattoos of artwork under the crips white shirt. The tattoo started just after his wrist making them easier to hide with the long shirts, I presume he wears all the time.

One tattoo that stood out was a snippet of what I can only assume is a snake, the tail is at the base of his forearm, clearly winding its way up the forearm leading to possibly his bicep.

His dark hair that was slicked back just hours before looked messier, he had a strand loose dangling on his forehead. It was hot.

"I didn't give you $500 to get the subway, get an uber"

"I didn't realise just because you gave me the money you order in which way, I spend it?" I scoff. I had enough of his controlling personality, and I wasn't here to be ordered around especially after my shift is done.

I didn't have to do any research to know who the Cavalini's are, they were multimillionaires and owned half of New York. It was safe to say I hadn't been around many millionaires in my life, but this man was exactly what I expected. He was forceful and thought the entire world revolved around him. I believe he thought I would drop at his knees and be completely submissive to him. I was not the girl to give in to a man as easily as that, I had respect and sometimes too much of it. That's why I haven't been laid in what feels like years.

Working in the FBI meant I had this squeaky image. But I had spent the past 2 years sat behind a desk, I had a huge crush on one guy at the office. But I never told him how I felt, I would just blush when he spoke to me. I'm sure he thought I was an idiot.

I needed to loosen up.

"Maybe if you were smart you wouldn't put yourself at risk of getting on the subway, it's dangerous" he tosses the cigarette on the floor stepping on it as he walks closer to me. His hand raises to my face cupping my cheek.

"I'll have you know around 5000 people a year, mainly women, get assaulted by cab drivers. Have you never heard about the UK 'black cab rapist' he drugged and raped so many women so no I don't think a cab is safer" I snap back. He looks at me turning his head and cocking his eyebrow at me. His hand still cupping my cheek as his thumb traces over my bottom lip. I feel myself tremble.

"Smart little one, aren't you?"

I was shaking, my entire body had tensed up. I hadn't been touched this way in a long time; It made me more nervous that if Miller could see me. I would be fired in a second.

The one rule I had to follow; Do not get too close to the subjects. Being undercover, it was always a risk I could fall for someone while in this fake life. My name wasn't Grace Hadley, it was Allie Harris. But I hadn't been called that in nearly three months, in my head I had to stay as Grace.

"What can I say"

He lets out a scoffing giggle as he takes his hand away from my face before he turns back and opens his car door.

"Get in" I frown at him allowing my arms to cross my chest.

He may have been touching me but leaving with him was a line I knew I couldn't cross. It would could ruin my career. I would never risk this, I couldn't. I had worked so hard.

"You must be stupid if you ever think I will get in that car with you" I scoff looking at him. I just rambled on about how many women get assaulted by strangers and he thinks I am stupid enough to get into a car with him. "I am walking"

I push passed him before walking down into the subway station.

A small part of me thought he may make an attempt to follow me into the subway.

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