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I had less than 48 hours until the biggest opening of my career. It would be the biggest and the last; I would be heading into a meeting in less than 12 hours to resign as CEO.

I was yet to tell Grace about my plans, I wanted it all to be a surprise. I didn't want her to tell me not to resign, I knew she wouldn't want me too. I knew she wouldn't want me to risk everything for her. But she was worth every risk.

I had to protect her.

I had always known that this world was dangerous but it never bothered me. Since the mention of kids, I knew I couldn't be here for any longer. I had to find somewhere that would be safe for the both of us. I knew the FBI would be on me, they would want to follow my every move.

They would stalk me around the world if they had too. They wanted me, I was their biggest target. I knew I was being watched, it never phased me not at all. But Grace, I didn't want them following her. I didn't want them cornering and questioning her.

They would do anything too ruin my life.

"Mr Cavalini" I stand up as I watch my connection walking towards me. I was in a restaurant in the upper east side, I had no idea this man's name.

I hold my hand out for him to shake, we connect hands as I look at him. He didn't look like the type of man that made fake passports, in fact he looked like an innocent man.

"And your name?"

"Just call me Diesel"

A fake name.

It wasn't surprising, it was expected for him to not give me his real information. He was a criminal as well as me, he commuted fraud and a lot of it.

We take a seat, a waiter comes around with the bottle of red I had ordered. He pours the wine into the glasses in front of both of us. I watch Diesels eyes stare down the waiter before he walks off. Then his eyes connect to mine, he smirks before reaching into his jacket pocket.

He pulls out an envelope, and slides it across the table. I pick it up before opening it, I pull the passports out and open the first one. My new identity;

Dylan Bennett.

I had to get across the border somehow. I had bought a property under the table in Greece under this new name. It was completely untraceable, no authorities were aware of this move I was planning.

"It's a good picture" I smirk to Diesel, he smiles back at me as he takes a sip of his wine.

"I do good work" His eyebrow raise at me.

I place my passport down, before picking up Graces passport. I had planned for her to come with me without her knowing, it was all about her everything I was doing. I open her passport and see her face, I had stolen this picture from her ID.

She looked beautiful.

My eyes divert to the name I had chosen for my girl.

Anastasia Bennett.

My wife, she would be my wife.

I had found the name online, it suited her and sharing one last name. It was something I had always dreamed of, something I never knew I wanted until Grace.

"She's a beautiful women" Diesel states, my head shoots up to look at him. I knew he was correct, but she was mine.

Hearing another man call my girl beautiful, it boiled my blood.

I feel my jaw tense as I look at him, he had a smile across his face. He was enjoying this, he was enjoying watching me boil.

"Chill man, I don't want her" He chuckles.

"Good" I breath out, I had already paid for the passports. They had cost me hundreds of thousands but she was with everything. "I would kill any man that would attempt to take her from me"

"Is that why you need these?" He asks me, another sip being taken from his glass.

"I need these to keep her safe" I breath out before sitting up more.

She was my priority always.


I stand on the other side of Graces door, I reached into my pocket before taking the key out she had given me.

I open the door and see her passed out on the couch. I can't help but smile at her, she was beautiful. I felt my heart flutter, god I had become so weak.

I would never let anyone consume my feelings the way she did. I never wanted to allow someone else to run my life, purely based off of my feelings towards them. I knew I would do unthinkable things to keep her safe, to keep her mine.

I shut the door behind me before walking over to the couch. I lift her head up as I sit down allowing her to lay her head on my lap.

I feel her stir, she looks up at me dazed and confused.

"Xavier?" She croaks with her sleepy tone.

"It's just me Doclezza" I run my hand over her hair stroking her. She wore an oversize shirt that had risen up, her red panties were exposed.

Looking at her panties and perfect ass caused a stir below my zipper. Her head was so close to my hardening cock. I wanted to let her sleep, but I also wanted her badly.

"Someone's happy to see me" Her hair still lays on my lap. She didn't look up at me but I could feel her smirk.

"I am always happy to see you" I breath out trying to get myself under control.

"I think you're even more excited today"

Her hand trials up, as she moves her head she rubs her hand over the outline of my hard cock. I feel my breathing hitch, the feeling of her touch was enough to make me want to explode already.

She removed her hand away from me, right away her touch lands on the bottom of her shirt. She pulls her shirt over her head, my eyes drop directly to her beautiful perky breasts.

God she never wore a bra, I loved this women.

I can't handle myself anymore, I pounce across and attached my lips to hers. My body hovers over hers, our lips move against one another. I truly was at home when I was with her.

Our bodies were made for one another, my entire life had been waiting for the moment that I met her. The second we met, I felt that invisible string for the first time. It pulled me closer to her, it pulled me into her soul.

Our souls had connected, they were now tied together for life. I refused to let her go, no matter what happened I would fight for Grace.

Forever and always.

She was mine, I was hers and I would never let her go. I refused to allow anyone to take her from me. I would let the world burn before I let a single person touch her and take her away from me.

Falling from Grace Where stories live. Discover now