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My heart was racing, I stood outside my building. The same building I had opened when I was 21, I was the youngest billionaire at the time to do so.

It was my biggest accomplishment, taking over such a company. I was entrusted by my father to take over everything, I had never knew he trusted me so much. My entire life was training to take over, but I always assumed that he would eventually pass it down to his brother.

But he didn't.

I had taken this company from a business to an empire. It was my biggest achievement in life, that was until I met Grace.

All of a sudden all the money in the world meant nothing anymore, all I wanted was Grace. I knew how much I had fallen for her, I never understood the men that dropped everything for a women. But here I was, about to resign from my company. I knew that the board wouldn't be best pleased with this decision, nor would they like my decision to put Luca in charge.

Luca had never been liked by many people, I understood why when he was a registered moron most the time. He did have his good days, he just needed guidance. I knew he would be able to handle most of the things he had to do, the fact I was leaving due to a women. I knew the men on the board would have enough to say.

I walked inside the building, I held everything I needed for the meeting under my arm. It felt strange this would be one of the last times I would walk through these doors. Once it was announced to the public, I had to already be out of the country.

I couldn't risk being a target of anyone, not the Russos. Not anyone, once the news was out I would be seen as weak. But if I was already half way to Greece, no would could catch me. Grace and I would be safe from anyone that might want to hurt or exploit us. I was doing this to keep her safe, not to put her in more danger.

"Morning Mr Cavalini" I hear the sweet tone of the receptionist that greeted me everyday. I was yet to learn her name, she had been here for over three years now. I guess it didn't matter if I knew her name now, this would be one of the last times I walked through these halls.

I greet the women back, as I wait for the elevator. She always attempted to hold a conversation but I rarely replied, I didn't know this woman. There was no need for minimal small talk, I didn't want or need to talk to her. My obsession with Grace was too strong; even the smallest interaction with another women felt adulterous to me.

I didn't need to even lay my eyes on another woman while Grace was in my life. She was the only person I needed, the only reason I needed to do this. Grace has never once asked me for anything, but I wanted to give her everything I could. I had a lot of money, a lot of disposable income to spend on her.

But not once has she asked me too.

The ding of the elevator pulled me from my thoughts, this was it. I had arrived on the 55th floor, there were 10 board members waiting in a conference room just meters away. I was about to change my life.


"I don't think you understand the gravity of what you're doing!" A stern voice of Anderson Lee spoke. He had been apart of this business for as long as I can remember, he was a honourable man. He served my father, he helped me gain power even when my age came into question. Not once has he ever doubted me.

But this decision, this was where the line was drawn.

"This is my decision, I am not risking Graces life for some more money. I have more money than I will ever need"

"So this is her decision?" A snap from one of the younger members of the board. Theo I believe his name is, he wasn't old enough to realise when to keep his mouth shut. "You're letting a woman control you" He scoffs.

I sat at the head of the table, he sat four seats down to the left of me. I look at him and cock my
head to the side, I feel the eyes in the room land on the pair of us. Everyone else was aware of my temperament. Especially where Grace was involved.

Theo was new. Too new to have any form of an understanding on the position he had just placed him self in.

"Sir I don't think Theo means-"

"No let the boy talk" I interrupt, Anne. She was a sweet women, I had given her the job on the board when I started as CEO. I knew she would always hold my best interest at heart.

"It's a woman, they are all replaceable. This job is not"


That word was the fire starter. This man believed that Grace was replaceable. That she wasn't the reason I breathed, that she wasn't the one person in the world that controlled my entire being.

She consumed me. She was inside of me when I wasn't with her. I became withdrawn like an addict when I wasn't by her side; when she wasn't with me, her safety was my number one concern.

I rise from my chair, I feel everyone's bodies tense as I begin to walk over to Theo. His eyes stay on me at all times, he looks at me his chair had turned as I walked behind him. He now faced me directly. I could see fear beginning to show in his face. Every word he just spoke replayed in his mind, thinking at what point he should have shut his mouth.


He follows my orders as he stands up, his hands shaking by his side. I watch him wipe his hand down his side cleaning the sweat off. He gulps down as his eyes connect with mine. No one else spoke, no one else said anything.

"Grace Hadley, that's the name of the woman I am in love with" I spoke, I watch his head nod rapidly "Remember that name"


"You don't say her name" I snap, the idea of her name on someone else's tongue. It drove me insane. "She is the only reason you are alive, I know she would never approve of me killing someone else in her name"

"Someone else?" He gulps

"Yes, you won't be the first I decide to keep you alive"

I ran my hand along his face, his entire body was shaking. I smirked, causing fear to run through someone's body like this. It made me happy, I would miss this feeling.

"Grace is not replaceable, but you are"

I reach into my pocket and pull out a small knife I carry. It was easier to conceal than a gun, of course I had a gun still. It was tucked into my pants.

I ran the knife along his neck, it was light but still make a small slice. He whimpered while everyone still stayed silent, I didn't even feel like they were here anymore.

It was just me and Theo right now.

I grip his hand that sat by his side, I took his hand and slammed it down on the table. His eyes look at me with fear, he knew were my mind was going about now.

"Please sir I'm-"

"Save it" I snap before taking the knife and cutting through his ring finger like a carrot.

Screams filled the room, some other members of the board look in shock. But the majority knew this would be the reality of what would happen to him.

"Now, when you find a woman you love like I love Grace. You won't even be able to wear a wedding band to show that love, you can tell that woman you marry that you lost the right to show off your love when you called women replaceable"

Tears streamed down his face. I was about done with this meeting, I grabbed my things before heading to Anderson.

"This is the plan after I am gone, I will be officially stepping down in two weeks. Luca will take over in my place, this news doesn't leave this room until after the opening" I turn around and begin to walk out."Oh and clean that blood off my floor"

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