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My sweating hands ran down my red ball gown, I was so nervous. We sat in a limo only a few feet from the hotel, there were so many paparazzi everywhere. I could hardly breath with how scared I was.

"Stop the car" Xavier orders, he had been attached to me since we left his place. I wanted to burst into tears, he had been nothing but sweet with me. I knew I had been played by the FBI, the man in front of me would never betray me.

I feel his body turn, he looks directly at me with concern in his eyes. I knew I couldn't give up what was really happening, my betrayal was too much to deal with. The likelihood he would murder me here and now, it was too high. I just had to figure a way out of this situation.

"Grace, if you don't want go. We can turn around and go home" He holds my hands as his thumb rubs over the back of my hand.

My god I was so in love with this man.

I look at him with nothing but sadness in my eyes and heart. I can't believe the way my life had changed in the past six months. I hadn't fallen so in love with him, my heart was screaming at me too tell him the truth.

My mouth just wouldn't let me, I couldn't physically bring up the words to tell him how I betrayed all the trust he had ever given me. He had never once doubted me, not once have I ever seen a glimpse of distrust in his eyes. I couldn't bare to see the look in his eyes, to see his anger towards me.

"I'm okay? I'm just nervous" I breath out, I lean up and press my lips against his.

I feel his hand snake round to my lower back, he pulls my body closer to his. I just embrace every moment I am spending with him, I didn't want this moment to end. Every second that past was a closer second too losing him.

I feel him pull away from my lips, he looks down at me as he moves a strand from my face and tuck it behind my ear.

"I love you Grace" He breaths out "I love you so so much"

I lean my forehead against mine, I can't help but allow tears to well up. I loved him so much, I loved him so much it was hurting me. I just wanted him; I couldn't lose him. I wanted to tell him to turn around and take me home, but he wanted out.

I had to protect myself, his words meant nothing anymore. He had planned his escape, whatever his plan was I couldn't allow him to hurt me.

"I love you" I breath back, the only difference between our words were mine are true.

I meant every single thing I had ever told him, not once have I lied about my feelings. But his getaway plan showed me he never cared. He never loved me, not like I love him. I would give up everything for him, but he was taking the first plane out of here.

I feel Xavier's hand move from my back up to my cheek as he kisses my lips softly once again.

The driver is ordered to continue driving once again. It doesn't take long too pull up outside of the hotel, it looked beautiful. Xavier had done himself proud, I was so proud of him. It was hard to hold back the feelings, I didn't want to feel positive things to this man.

But I loved him.

The door is opened and Xavier climbs out, the press that are here begin to snap their cameras at the sight of the man they had come to see. His back is turned against them as he holds his hand out for me to take. The one thing I will never be able to fault this man on is his how he is gentleman.

Gia had raised a good man.

He takes my hand as I climb out of the car, I feel Xaviers hand land on my back once again. Slowly he leads me down the carpet, I had never been one for being in the limelight and I was very out of my comfort zone right now.

"Follow me" He holds my hand as he leads me down the carpet. Xavier didn't stop once for the photos, he wasn't the man for posing.

We walk into the hotel, right away I am greeted by staff holding trays of champagne. Xavier leans over and takes one before handing it to me, he presses a kiss against my temple.

"You're so beautiful" He breaths out, I look at him with a strange feeling in my heart.

I didn't know what to do or how to act around him. I didn't know if he knew who I was, or if he was just planning on running.

I smile as I lean my head against his body, I just hold him close to me. I had to take up every single second I could with him.


The entire event was too upper class for me. I felt out of place for many reasons, one being I had never been apart of this world. I had grown up differently from everyone else in this room, but I also was on edge as I didn't trust anyone.

I didn't know if everyone in this room knew who I was and this was all one big ploy. I didn't know anything right now.

Xavier and I had been making the rounds of the room, I was stood by his side at all time as he ushered me around the room. I spoke to many people but couldn't tell anyone what had been said.

"Grace" Xavier calls down to me, he towers over me. He was always speaking down at me, I was always looking up to him. I look up and look at him, as he leant down to reach my ear before whispering. "Follow me"

I feel my heart rate pick up, he led me out of the room. Being alone with Xavier was something I always craved, but right now I needed to stay around people. I wanted to stay in sight, as I followed Xavier I my eye contact with a clock.

It was 11pm, I only had an hour left until everything came crashing down.

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