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I sat in my office staring at the computer in front of me full of building plans for our next hotel. We had planned this new hotel opening for a while now, this was going to be the biggest and most luxurious hotel we owned. This hotel would also be the main based for the import and export of the drugs we had started to sell a few months back.

Drugs were never a big profit for my family until I started bringing them in, we were making over 50 million dollars every quarter on the drugs alone. Prior to this the main source of income within my family was money laundering, my father and grandfather made quite the business out of it and helping others. The Russo's being one of those families we helped, of course this went as sour as can be.

I don't think I ever wanted to be a criminal, but it has always been in my family, once you are making the amount of money, we were its hard to give something like that up. This money laundering scheme started to make money, however just like any case money makes people crazy. The gangland wars you see in the movies aren't as spot on as you think, we don't spend our time fighting in the streets. Most the fighting has to be behind closed doors to not attract attention.

This doesn't mean there isn't any fighting. My building has to be laced with security at all times as I don't trust a single person to not try and get into my apartment to kill me. I was always at risk, if I hadn't pre-approved a visitor they don't come in and that will always be my rule. Whether you are family or just want a cheap fuck; no one gets let in without my permission.

I spent a lot of time sat here, staring at the computer at new designs. It was my job as the boss, after my father passed. It was down to me to make sure this family, and business stayed a float. I had my Momma to look after, as well as the rest of my family. I would take any risk to ensure they were happy and safe.

I had never been so distracted as I was right now, there was something about Grace. Something I wanted. I wasn't someone to chase after anyone, in fact I had never done it before. But then again, I've never been rejected. My family was rich and had a reputation, a lot of women wanted me. I was a Cavalini for christ sake.

But Grace Hadley, she didn't care. She had rejected me for some bullshit reason. I still didn't believe, Hendy wouldn't care.

I turn my chair so I am facing out the window, looking down at New York City. So many people talk about the beauty of this place, but for me it was filled with enemies. Beautiful was not something I would call it.

As I stared out onto the city that had taken so much from me. I hear my phone begin to vibrate on the desk, I turn my head slightly until the phone appears in my vision. The name I see calling as not one I expected.


I don't take my time to decide to pick up the call, they did say curiosity killed the cat. But I would take that risk if it meant I got a taste of her.

"Well, I didn't think I would be hearing from you anytime soon" I say as the phone reaches my ear. I hear a chuckle on the other end of the phone, my body still facing the window.

I was sure I could see her apartment block from here, well my apartments now. When my uncle, Lorenzo found out about the purchase of Graces apartments. He was less than pleased.

"I thought I owed you a call back" She had a shakiness in her voice. Nerves I would say, I hadn't heard her like this before.

Normally it was attitude central, she was a strong willed woman. She wouldn't let anyone take her on. Unless it was me of course, I watched the sparkle appear in her eyes when we spoke. I knew she wanted me, but for some unknown reason she was holding herself back.

Falling from Grace Where stories live. Discover now