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It was the annual Cavalini dinner tomorrow. This was a tradition as old as time. It always had been a formality I wasn't excited about, but this year Grace was coming. It made me feel slightly more optimistic the night wouldn't be a complete disaster.

I had invited her a few days prior, of course in classic Grace fashion. She wasn't prepared, I had ordered a dress to be sent to her for the event.

I was currently sat in a meeting, I had been nothing but consumed with Grace for the past few days. But it was time to get back into the real world, I had work to do. A lot in fact before the grand opening, I knew that Grace had been a distraction. She was a good one, but I couldn't allow her to take over my life.

"We are still missing the landscapers for the rooftop bar" I hear one of the main contractors from across the table.

"I told you to hire the men I sent you" I snap back.

Most of the men I hired were good, but this man was a moron. He couldn't follow standard instructions, I had men that I trusted with all my other buildings. Luca had vouched for the man across from me, in hindsight it was a bad idea to trust Luca.

"They weren't available" He mutters, I feel my fists tighten. This man was testing the little patience I had.

"Then you tell them it's for Xavier Cavalini" I say through gritted teeth. I watch as his eyes roll in the back of his head.

He didn't know who he was playing with. The idea of a man thinking it was okay to talk to me like this, it was infuriating. I was doing all I could to not spill blood in my office, it was new and I didn't want to get it messy.

Before he could reply once more, I hear the echoing sound of my phone ringing from inside my blazer pocket. I pull it out to see Graces name; I take the phone out and cancel the incoming call. I didn't have time to call her right now, so I decided it was best to call her at a more convenient time.

"Do you need to get that?" He questioned with a raised brow.

"No" I shoot right back. My phone is now placed on the table in front of me. It isn't even a second before it begins to ring once again.

I grunt under my breath before declining the call once again. Grace had never been this needy, she had never called this much. All of a sudden my stomach dropped, what if something had happened too her.

I took the phone off of the table, before raising it to my ear.

"Hello?" I ask, instead of hearing disaster on the end of the phone I hear Graces sweet voice. There was nothing wrong with her.

She was fine.

"Hey!" She coos.

"Grace, is everything okay?"

Before she answers my question, I hear the contractor across from me state.

"Xavier Cavalini under the thumb, never thought I would see the day" He scoffs.

I feel my blood begin to boil. How dare he speak about me like that. How dare he make comments on things he knows nothing about.

How dare Grace interpret me.

I had been so blindsided by her, I had let her take over every aspect of my life. I had never let any women control me the way she did, she had bulldozed her way in. I couldn't help but wonder how I let it get this far. I was raised as a man who was told to never fall in love. I never thought I would fall for a women, let alone a women that runs my life.

I felt powerless.

She had taken all of my power off of me. I needed it back. I had to take it back, I had to save myself before she took over everything.

I stand up from the table and walk out of the conference room. The phone still attached to my ear. I waited for her response, to hear she was okay before I changed the rolls.

"I'm all good, I just have a question about tonight?" She asks, it was a pointless question. I was missing on importance business meetings for this.

"Really?" I snap through gritted teeth, I had never spoken to her like this before. Never would I dare, she deserved the world. But hearing another man question my authority, my sense of control over myself. "You called me for this?"

"W-well yeah? You told me I could call you at any time?"

She wasn't wrong. I did tell her that, it was because I had to ensure her safety. I was in love with her, yet I couldn't have anyone question me or my authority. I had grown up as a man in charge, I must be able to run my business still with her around. It was my heritage, it was everything I had.

All I had worked for. Was she worth giving it all up? I wasn't so sure.

"Grace I am busy, I have a business to run! I'm not some waitress with no prospects" I snapped before I thought of the words. My brain couldn't stop me, but the second the words were spoken I regretted them.

There was silence on the other end of the phone. She said nothing, she didn't reply. At least not for a minute. I wanted to apologise, but my stubbornness wouldn't let me.

"Wow" She sighs "I don't know what's wrong with you right now, but I'll see you later"

"No you won't"

God why couldn't I stop myself. I was being a jerk and it was becoming unavoidable. I couldn't stop myself.

"Why's that?" I could hear her confusion, I don't blame her. I would be confused as well, this had come from nowhere. But I couldn't stop myself, no matter what I did.

"You're no longer invited"

I don't say a word, I don't listen for her to say a word back. I just hung up the phone, I didn't need to hear her argue with me. I didn't need to hear her beg, or shout at me.

I just needed a moment. I needed a moment to understand my feelings. Since meeting Grace it had been all about her, it had been all about my feelings for her. I hadn't once thought about myself, about how my life would change with her in it. I had to protect her now, I had to always ensure that she wasn't at risk of being taken for leverage.

If the Russos got a hold of her, they wouldn't hesitate to hurt her. Like I did with Carlos, I hurt them and she was the first person they would take. She would be perfect, if I lost her I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I know what I just said put that at risk, but at least she was safe now.

Safe from me.

That was all she needed, to be protected from me I was the biggest risk of her safety.

She was better off without me.

Falling from Grace Where stories live. Discover now