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I look down at her sleeping body, her in my clothes. There wasn't a better sight than that. She was beautiful in every way, I knew how much trouble I was in when it came to Grace. She wound have a target on her back, that was when people found out about us. I wasn't going to let this happen, she couldn't be at risk. I wouldn't allow myself to lose her.

It was 5am, she had slept soundly the entire night. After our shower she was worn out, I was yet to ask her about her previous sexual experiences. I would say I didn't want to pry, but I most certainly do want too. I want to know if any man has touched her the way I have, if anyone has.

I will find them and kill them.

I had never felt possessive over anyone in my life. But this woman next to me, I wouldn't let anyone take her away from me. I would rip the eyes from every man that has ever looked at her before that happens.

I felt my phone buzz on the table next to me, I pick it up to see Luca calling. I sigh, climbing out of bed before heading into the hall. I refused to wake her from her slumber.

"What" I snap as I answer the phone, he maybe the closest person to me. But that didn't mean I wanted to hear his voice at 5am.

"You are going to love me" I could practically hear the smirk over the phone. He always thought he had everything under control, he did not.

"I'm sure I won't, but go on"

"Angelo is out, and guess who convinced him to come back"

Angelo, the bane of my life. He had been arrested, then sent down around the same time the FBI were the hottest they had been on our heels. He didn't snitch and that's the only reason I have the smallest grain of respect for him.

Other than that he was a weasel.

Yes, we didn't have the best reputation. But he worsened it. He was rouge and would do anything that benefited himself. I never got along with him, but he was a Cavalini, we had to stick by each other.

"Why is he back?" I question bluntly "He swore away from the life"

"Well he's back, and he wants in"

I sigh, my hand covering my eyes stressed. I hated this man, I was in my right to forbid his return. But was it worth the problems caused, most likely not.

"Tell him to come to the meeting tomorrow" I say, after cancelling yesterday I knew I would be full of questions. No one knew about Grace, I had seen men at meetings looking at her. But they wouldn't dare if they knew she was mine.

"Why did you cancel the meeting?" He questions me. He never questioned me, it was a rule I seemed to have created.

"I was busy"

"A girl?" He asks again.

"No, I am ending the call now"

I pull the phone down and end the call. Luca was too curious for his own good, it would get him killed one day. If it wasn't at my hands it would be another, he asked too many questions. He had always been the obvious youngest cousin. Luca had been second in command for so long, it was something he had fought for to get. Yet I had debated demoting him time and time again.

I walked back into the bedroom, Grace laid eyes still shut asleep. Her body turned, he was beautiful. I was falling hard for her, I couldn't help it. I take a seat next to her, my hand attaching to her cheek. I move a small strand from her face, I watch as her eyes flicker open.

"Hey" She croaks, her eyes were brighter in the morning. They almost blinded me, they were bright and well I just fell deeper. "What are you staring at?"

"You" She rolls her eyes; that attitude I couldn't her enough of it. Perhaps this was why I hadn't fallen before, I had never met anyone who speaks to me the way she did.

She was something I had never experienced before. I had my history with women, it was always purely sexual. But I had feelings growing with Grace. Feelings I had never felt before; I didn't know what to do with them. What I did know was she was mine, I wouldn't let anyone else touch her. I would rather die than see that happen.

She was becoming my obsession.


It was midday, I was sat in my office. I had meeting after meeting; I was looking forward too going to the Hideaway tonight. Seeing her was the only thing getting me through these meetings.

"The grand opening is in a month" One of my partners informs me, he wasn't involved like the rest of my family. He was purely a partner for the hotel side of things. "Are you ready for the opening party sir?" He asks me.

"Yes, what does the guest list look like?"

"Your cousin Luca, he called through with a new list Angelo was added"

I roll my eyes at the sound of his name. He was going to be the end of me.

"Ensure you add me a plus one" I inform him, I had never brought a date before. So his shocked reaction wasn't as surprise to me, inviting Grace to an event like this. It was a risk, but I was willing to accept the risks if it meant I could flaunt her. I wanted everyone to know she was mine.

"Yes sir" He stutters before writing it on his little list.

This grand opening would have anyone who is anyone there. They will see Grace Hadley on my arm, everyone would know she was mine. I knew it put her risk, I didn't want that but I also knew I could take on anyone that would try and take her from me.

Especially if that's a Russo.

Falling from Grace Where stories live. Discover now