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My back slammed against the mattress.

I feel Xavier hovering over me, his body pressed against mine. The feeling of him against me, it turned me on like no one else ever had. I would let him do whatever he wanted to me. He had my body, I was his to control. I would be whatever he wanted me too.

Xavier devours my lips, his hands roamed my body looking for somewhere to settle. His hands finally landed on my waist, he pulled my body up to press closer to his. I moan against his lips, his hips pressing against me.

The way Xavier touch me, it lit up euphoria I felt passion run through my veins. It was a common feeling, when he touched me I couldn't hold myself together.

I could feel his hardened cock pressing against my core. I wanted him, I craved him like none other. The feeling of our bodies entangled with one another, it was a feeling that nothing will ever beat.

His hands slipped beneath my jumper, I wore nothing underneath this. I wanted him to strip me, his hands to be the one that left me exposed. I was his to take, I was his to undress and play with, like a little girl with their doll.

"You're so beautiful" He growls in my ear, swiftly my jumper is pulled over my head.

I was left bare from the waist up, his lips began to trail down my breast bone before he laces his lips around my nipple. His movement caused my back to arch as I let out a moan of pleasure. His fingers traced light lines all over my body, his movements caused goosebumps to rise.

My yoga pants still on but they are so thin I feel every little line. I knew he would touch me soon enough, I was dying for that moment. The moment he touched me, I craved it like a drug addict craved heroin. He was my drug, he was something I had waited my entire life for.

Xavier slides down my body, his lips drawing closer to the hem of my yoga pants. His head looks up at me, he had a smirk plastered across his face.

His teeth grip the hem of my yoga pants as he pulls them down my body. My panties still remain fixed in their position, once my pants are on the floor his lips attach back to mine quickly before pulling away again.

"You are going to be begging for me to stop soon enough" He smirks.

I was in trouble.

I feel his lips trail all the way down my body, he began to pepper kisses all along my thighs. My body began to rise, all the small hairs on my body began to stand. He drew closer to my core, I was so wet. I could feel it between my legs, Xavier runs his fingers over my thong. My breathing hitched, I felt his touch all over my body.

"Look at how wet you are" He breaths "I've barely touched you yet"

I could see the wetness through my panties, he had a hold over me. He didn't have to touch me to cause this, just talking to him it got me hot.

"Please" I moan, I wanted him to touch me. I needed to feel him, my body was begging for it. X looks up at me, the smirk across his face told me this was going to be a long night.

Xavier begins to kiss through my underwear, I could feel him but not enough. I had to feel him on my skin, I needed to feel his tongue. He traces his tongue over my panties, my hands attached through his hair.

I let out small moans, but I needed him. I had to feel him; I gripped his hair tightly. X could feel my frustration, but I knew all this did was egg him on to continue. I feel Xavier push my panties to the side slightly, his tongue traced up my slit finally tasting me. My back arches as I let out a louder moan, my moans always seemed to keep him going.

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