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I lead Grace down the halls of my new hotel, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. I knew this would be the last few moments of us being us. Within the next few minutes I would be asking her to leave her life, to marry me.

I could feel this feeling, everything was about to change. I wasn't even sure if it was going to happen the way I wanted it too.

What if she says no?

What if Grace doesn't want to be with me the way I wanted too be with her.

There was a bar out the back, it was quite and the perfect place for us. I had decorated it exactly how I knew she would love it. I take a deep breath before stopping before the door.

I turn my body to look at Grace. I held her hand as I lean down and press my lips against her forehead.

"Grace, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone or anything before. From the moment I met you, I have changed for the better I-"

"Xavier please Im not going to lie I'm freaking out" Grace interrupts me.

She had been off all night, she looked so nervous I had never seen her so scared all night. I thought it was the press, but now I knew something else was going on. I didn't know if she knew about this proposal, if she wasn't ready and I would be pushing her over the edge.

My entire life revolved around making sure Grace was happy and safe. I had to ensure she was happy at all times, even if that meant me not being so happy.

"Why are you freaking out?" I ask her as my hand runs along her collarbone.

I watch her take a deep breath in before her eyes connect with mine once again. This time I couldn't see all her thoughts, I couldn't see what she was thinking anymore. It was like she had just shut me out.

"I don't know, I think this entire thing has been a lot. I'm sorry please continue"

She had pulled herself together, she had told herself something. I wasn't too sure what it was but she seemed all of a sudden a lot calmer than 30 seconds previously.

The speech didn't seem appropriate to head back too, she had interrupted it. Something about it made her anxious, so I just had too show her what I had done. If I couldn't tell her how much she means to me, I would show her.

I take a deep breath before turning around and landing my hand on the door handle. I turn it slightly before opening the door and allowing Grace to walk ahead. She strolls in slowly, her eyes taking in all the surroundings.

There were rose petals sprinkles everywhere along with a sea of candles. I watched her body loosen at the sight of the declaration of love I had prepared. It was like she was expecting something bad, like I was going to hurt her in some way.

"Xavier" She breaths out.

I couldn't handle her beauty, the red dress had me going insane. I didn't know how to act around this woman, I didn't know what was right and what was wrong. I had to second guess every single thought I had in my brain.

All my instant reactions where not okay, they weren't the way Grace deserved to be treated by anyone. From the moment I had seen her and followed her home, watching that man make her feel uncomfortable. I knew my life purpose, I knew that my entire life had meant nothing until Grace.

I had been put on this earth to make her happy, to protect her from any harm at all. I did anything else, I didn't need money or fame. If I had Grace I had everything I would ever need.

"What is this?" She asks me with her head tilted.

I walk over closer to her before taking her hand and lacing it in mine.

"I needed to show you what you mean to me how-"

I am cut off with her lips on mine, she pounced like a lion to their prey. Our lips interlocked like they were made for one another like they always did. The sparks flew like our energies are the only thing keeping the world turning.

I take my hand from hers as I run my hand down her lower back. Before I reach her thighs I give her bum a light squeeze. As my hands finally reach their desired location, I pick her up allowing her to wrap her legs around my waist. I carry her over to the ledge of the bar, much like the one I saw her in for the first time.

I never believed in anyone being born for a reason, that was until her. I know I was born to love Grace.

"Grace"I mumbled against her lips, I knew now wasn't the best time. I knew sex is never the best time to tell ask a woman to marry you, but I physically couldn't wait another second without knowing her answer.

She pulls away from our kiss, her lips red with the imprint of my soul on her. I reach into my blazer as I pull out a small velvet box, I watch her eyes gape open in shock. Whatever she thought would happen tonight, this was not one of them.

"Will you Marry me?" I ask, I had the nervous of a thousand men before war inside of me right now.

But she doesn't reply, she just looks at me in the eyes before speaking words I would never expect to come out of a woman's mouth during a proposal.

"I need to go to the bathroom" She looked sick with concern. But I don't fight her, in fact I'm just stood there in shock as I watch her leave me alone in this room.

In the room I had decorated for her, to show her my love and care.

Falling from Grace Where stories live. Discover now