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I was back in the bar, this time I knew the meeting was going ahead. Xavier had told me for a fact, he had called to confirm. So I took effort with how I looked, he had seen me looking bad for the past few days. I guess I felt like he deserved to see me looking good.

Being with Xavier last night, it felt good. It was so wrong yet I didn't feel bad, I hadn't slept so well than I did when I was with Xavier. His house was beautiful, I had fallen in love with the lifestyle he had. Of course I hadn't seen the nitty gritty, but the money and the houses. I could see why he stayed in the life.

"You've really got this man whipped" I hear Hendy speak to me. He walks from his back office to the front of the bar. "In all my years, he had never requested I not be here"

"He did?" I ask; Xavier knew Hendy, he trusted him why would he ask him to leave. "That's strange?"

"I don't think so" Hendy chuckles "He likes you Grace"

I knew he had a soft spot for me, but liking me was a different ball court. He didn't like me, if anything he just wanted to fuck me. We were yet to have sex, if I was being home it was because I was scared. I had only slept with two people before, Xavier had experience.

What if I wasn't good?

I also knew that once I had slept with him it was all over. There was no going back, there was hardly any going back as it is. I knew my feelings were growing; I knew that it would all crumble soon enough. So what was the point of getting into something I knew would end in flames.

"I don't think he does" I smile back, I felt awkward really. Hendy didn't know the truth and it was best to stay that way. I knew he would snitch on me right away; It hit me every now and again how dangerous this was.

"We will see" He smirks as he wiggles his eyebrows at me. "Enjoy your night"

I wave him off as I watch him walk out the door leaving me alone. Xavier was early, always early so he due here in the next 10 minutes or so. I was all set up, I had the drinks ready for the men.

Xavier's list was helpful, it had saved my ass many times. Having the orders down made the men seem like they liked me more. They actually began to thank me; I think they had noticed how possessive he was over me. The way he stared me down the entire time, his eyes hardly moving away while everyone else spoke.

"Well don't you just look ravishing" My head shoots round to see Xavier stood at the doorway.

Like an involuntary tick, my face curves into a huge smile. Seeing his beautiful face, his dark hair is messy yet styled. A loose strand fell onto his forehead, his hair looked darker today. It was the same but in this lightening is was black. He had more stubble, I just wanted to wrap my legs around his waist as I devoured his lips.

"Why are you being so charming?" I shoot back with a smirk. I lean onto the bar, my arms holding me up.

I watch as he walks over to me slowly; the tension was high. He wore his classic suit, I don't think i've ever seen him in causal clothes. Only a suit and then naked. That was a strange thought, I had never seen him casual just suited and then naked.

"Can I not be charming to the woman I pay to be here?" He leans on the bar as he looks at me. His hand comes up to move a loose strand. My eyes catch his, I wanted to kiss him.

God I was loosing myself, I had never felt so unlike myself. But also so much like myself all at one time, when I looked into his eyes I felt something inside of me. I felt seen for once; like my entire life I had been stumbling around and now Xavier had caught me.

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