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The evening had been long, what started as a revenge mission quickly turned around to the most nerve racking moments of my life. I had spent most the evening with Xavier's mother Gia.

She wasn't what I had expected but she was incredible. She had invited me to a family dinner in two days time, it was being held at a local Italian restaurant. It sounded amazing and I was honoured to be invited, especially by her. Rosa still didn't talk to me after I left Gia.

Her eyes followed me everywhere I went, I couldn't tell if she knew about me. But then if she did I'm sure I'd be dead already. But she sensed something was off, I wasn't sure what she knew but it concerned me a lot.

It was passed midnight, the party had began to filter out. I had planned to head home for the evening, I didn't plan for Xavier to welcome me into his bed after I came with Luca. But he did, in fact he hate fucked me in the library.

I stood in the kitchen getting a glass of water when I feel someone walk in behind me. It wasn't Xavier, he was off saying goodbye to Luca. Most likely threatening his life. I turn my head to see Rosa walking in, she was alone this time and not with Sam. She walked around me before standing opposite me on the other side of the island.

"I don't quite know what my brother sees in you"

Her words were harsh, she snapped at me and I didn't really know how to respond to her. I just stood there clutching my glass, I scanned her body up and down. Her fists where tight, she was mad but why would she be so mad at me? 

"I don't know either" I shoot right back to her, whatever I said wouldn't please her. So why defend myself? 

"Ever since he's been captivated with you, he's been ignoring his duties" Her finger runs along the edge of the counter. She looks up at me with fury in her eyes. "I'm sure he's told you about Marcus?"

I frown, he had not told me anything about a Marcus. This was the first time I had even hurt the name, she could read my innocence to this situation. I watched her face drop at my reaction, she didn't know what to say. I really had no idea what she was talking about.

"He hasn't?" She asks me with a shaky breath.

"I haven't ever heard that name" I speak, I wasn't lying to her. This was the first I had heard of a Marcus at all.

Before she can reply Xavier walks into the room, both our eyes shoot over to him. His face turns into a frown, he was confused as to what was going on. The room was deadly silent, we didn't speak just looked at him.

"Who died?" He asks with his usual monotone voice. His hand comes down to his blazer as he undoes the button. My eyes shoot over too Rosa, I could see the steam coming from her ears. She was furious right now, I didn't know who Marcus was but he had to be important to her.

She storms towards Xavier as her hand comes up to slap him across his face. He just takes the hit, there was no reaction. She must hit him a lot, he didn't seem phased.

"You liar!" She screams, I could hear her attempting to hold back tears. "You told me you were looking for him"

He sighs as his hand runs along his jaw line, I stand back watching everything unfold. This wasn't for me to get involved in, I would stay back here.

"Rosa it's harder than it looks" He sighs

"Perhaps if you actually tried to look for the man that is like a brother too you, instead of fucking some random girl. He would be back by now" She was crying now. The back of her head was facing me but I could hear it in her voice.

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