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17 hours of fucking and talking.

That had been life for the past 17 hours, I stayed in bed with Xavier. I had never felt so connected to him. I never felt so exhausted at the same time, I had worked for 48 hours straight before.

But I was more tired now than I ever was back then.

I had just reached another point of orgasm, I actually had lost count of the number of times I had come tonight. Xavier's face buried into me, while his fingers thrusted inside of me. My body was sore, my muscles felt so tight from the amount of times they had contracted this evening.

"Fuck" I moan, my hands gripped the sheets as I watched Xavier sit up, his mouth glistening with my juices.

I had never come so hard in my entire life, this man own my body. He owned every thought I had ever had, I was his forever.

I was his to keep.

"I love hearing you come" He smirks as his body lands next to mine. I roll over to press my body against his, my head landing right onto his chest.

After his confession about his father earlier, I had never felt closer to him. My feelings grew more by the second, even though that feels impossible for me to fall anymore than I have. I could stare into his eyes all day, I could lay here for the rest of my life. Just me and him in his bed, doing nothing other than fucking and talking.

I had no idea he had grown up with such an abusive father. His mother protected him for so much, his loyalty to his mother was astonishing and it made me love him even more than I thought I could.

I hear Xavier's phone go off, it was ringing when he leans over to pick it up I see Rosas name plastered across the screen. I see a smile creep onto his face, like he knew what she wanted before he had even heard from her. I knew that look, he had done something. I just wasn't sure if it was good or bad.

"Rosa" He speaks as he answered the phone, it was placed on speaker so I could hear the entire conversation.

"Thank you" She squeaks, she sounded like she had been crying. Her voice had a crack in it when she spoke, I knew that feeling. When you're crying so much you can hardly speak, your throat feels like it might bleed if you say another word.

"He's unharmed?"


Xavier had got Marcus back.

"Other than the missing finger" She giggles, there was a moment of silence between the siblings. I could tell how much this meant to her, she finally had the man she loved back in her arms once again.

If I lost Xavier, I don't quite think I would survive it.

"Tell him to find somewhere else to get tattooed then" Xavier jokes, of course there was a level of seriousness with this joke. All men are required to have his initials on their body, Marcus tattoo had been taken from him.

He must get another one. It was non negotiable if you wanted to be apart of his men.

The conversation dwindles out between him and Rosa, she thanks him once more before ending the call. I lean up and look at Xavier, he could read my face. I had an idea and I didn't know if he was going to like it much.

"What is that face for?" He asks me, I just allow a smirk to creep onto my face. "Okay I'm scared now" He giggles.

"Your men have your initials why?" I ask him already knowing the answer.

"To show their loyalty" He confirms the answer I already knew. The smile on my face was causing a look of fear on his.

"I want to show my loyalty" I state.

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