Kapoor Mansion.
Breakfast table.

All four brother were having their breakfast....

Aryan was the first one to talk......
Aryan: Bhai you know it wasn't Amaira bhabhi fault...

Arnav Kapoor look at his younger brother....
Arnav: Aryan I really don't want to talk about Amaira right now please....

Aditya: but Bhai it wasn't Amaira bhabhi fault! Everything you saw was a misunderstanding. I don't know what's wrong with you....

Arnav: ADITYA!

Abeer: Bhai! Amaira is not Ruhi bhabhi.

Arnav yell and leave.

Aryan; Who is Ruhi bhai?

Abeer look at his younger brother.
Abeer: No one important...

Arnav went to have a walk.....

Arnav: Abeer is right. Amaira is not like Ruhi. Why I am punishing Amaira for my past.....

Arnav try to call Amaira but she cut his call,,.
Arnav: She is angry.....
Arnav sigh and went back inside..,,

He heard a voice that he wanted to hear.... A soft and lovely voice.....

"You all know... your brother is the rudest person that exist. It's okay.... I don't know what's wrong with him. Why is he behaving like this....."

A girl was sitting and complaining to the other brothers.......

"Anyway let's go Aryan and Adi I will drop you both then I will go to the office"

Abeer: Won't you meet Bhai Amaira bhabhi?

Amaira: No!

Arnav: Really Amaira....

Amaira ignore him...
Amaira: Come fast buddies... I am waiting in the car...
Amaira went to sit in her car completely ignoring her boyfriend.......

Arnav sigh....
Aryan: Oh no Bhai you will have to work a lot to talk to bhabhi. Good luck..
Aryan and Adi say before going...,,

Arnav went to sit back and he look at Abeer.
Arnav: I am sorry. You are right.... I just think everyone will be like Ruhi.....

Abeer: Does bhabhi know her marriage with you is just a deal between her grandfather and you.

Arnav: No Abeer. Please don't mention this in front of her. Amaira is the one for me..

Abeer; Yes Bhai. She care about us. Did you see how she care about Aditya and Aryan even me.... She isn't like Ruhi. Ruhi wanted to separate you from us and was always taking you from us.....

Arnav: I know... I know. I think I will proposed to Amaira now. And we will conduct the married soon. For that I will talk with her grandparent.....

Abeer: and Bhai please tell her the truth....

Arnav nodded.
Arnav: Let's go to the office.

Abeer and Arnav left for the office.....

Singhania company.
Amaira office.

Rudra came to meet Amaira.....

Rudra: Maira..... Do you love Arnav....

Amaira look down and think...
Amaira: I love him... he love me too. He confessed....

Rudra: Wowwww i am so happy for you. But after the marriage you both will merge the company....

Amaira: yes Rudy...

Rudra: Listen Maira. I am your childhood best friend okay. I am saying this for you.... You are sure this is not a marriage deal?

Amaira look at Rudra.
Amaira: Never Rudra. Arnav won't do this to No. Won't he. Yes I accept you met through nanu but they won't do this to me.

Rudra: Yes you are right. It was just a thought though.

Amaira and Rudra Heard someone knocking....
Amaira: Come in...

Arnav came inside with a smile. But his smile drop as soon he saw Rudra....

Rudra: Hey bro...

Arnav: Heyy..

Rudra: Okay Maira. I am gonna leave you both. See you later.....

Amaira: Bye Rudy...
Rudra left...

Amaira ignore Arnav and sit.

Arnav put a big bouquet of tulips flowers in front of her....

Amaira was trying hard to ignore the flowers but as the same time it was her favorite flowers..... she could smell the flowery perfume of the flower.

Amaira take the flower from him and put it in the vase where there were all the other flowers that Arnav gave her everyday..,,.

Arnav kneel in front of her and put his both hand on his ear..
Arnav: I am sorry.

Amaira: Arnav what are you doing. Stand up.

Arnav stand up.
Amaira: It's okay. I hope this won't repeat. I didn't like it how you spoke to me Arnav.

Arnav: I know.... It was angry...

Amaira and Arnav thought about their fight yesterday.

Amaira were in her office. Like always Rudra came to meet her.

Amaira snatch Rudra phone to see with who he was talking.

Amaira: Ohh you have a girlfriend and you didn't tell me. I thought we were best friend.

Rudra: Maira it's not official yet.

Amaira: It's a lovely name Ruhi....

Rudra: Amaira.....
Amaira giggled. They both were laughing..... rudra were trying to snatch the phone from Rudra when suddenly Amaira fall on Rudra lap. It wasn't uncomfortable for them as they're were like sister and brother. Since babies they know each other.

Rudra was tickling her.
Amaira: Rudraaaa.. stop.
Amaira was laughing...

Suddenly Arnav came inside. And seeing this... he was angry. He saw red.

He yell.

Both Rudra and Amaira look at him. They both stand up.

Amaira: Arnav it's doesn't look like it seem. Okay..

Arnav: What does it seem like. Tell me AMAIRA.....

Amaira: Rudra Please. Give us some privacy. I will talk to you later.

Rudra nodded and left...

Arnav walk toward Amaira...
Arnav: TELL ME!

Amaira: Arnav my relationship with Rudra is just like a sibling. Just like I am with my brother. I was teasing him about something and by mistake I fall on him....

Looking at Amaira, Arnav was getting some flashback of the past.

Arnav: SHUT UP!
He yell again.

Amaira: Don't you trust me!

Arnav: NO I DON'T... How can I trust you huh....

Amaira look at Arnav with teary eyes....
Amaira: WOWWW. Continue like this Arnav.... You disappoint me today.
Amaira say and left angrily..... Arnav punch the wall angrily....

Flashback end.

Arnav hand a bag to Amaira.
Arnav: Go and change I plan something for us...

Amaira look at him surprisingly as he is always working. Amaira went to change.

She came out wearing a beautiful red dress.

Arnav look at her...
Arnav: Ouff you are looking so beautiful...

Amaira blushed.

Arnav and Amaira leave the office hand in hand. Arnav drive to a special place.

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