Singhania Mansion..
Amaira knock the door.... Ram open the door. He smile looking at Amaira.

Ram: Beta.. come inside....

Amaira hug Ram. He hug her back emotionally.

They both went in the living room and sit on the couch...

Ram: How are you now...

Amaira: I am fine uncle...

Ram sigh.
Ram: I know it's difficult for you to call me dadda or Veer Bhaiya... we completely understand. Take your time Amaira. But I really can't wait to hear my daughter calling me dadda.

Amaira sigh.
Amaira; I am sorry uncle... just give me sometime.

Ram nodded.
He held her hand gently...

Amaira: uncle... why did you leave me... why you never came to meet me... why didn't you didn't come after mom death... why did you left mom...

Ram: your mother and I got a divorce.... You didn't love each other anymore.... I have won Veer custody and as you was just a baby your mumma won your custody... and she didn't want me to meet you... and after her death your grandparents also didn't want me to meet you... you nanu use to update me on everything about you...

Amaira: Oh... but why did mumma left! Why...

Ram: I wont lie to you Maira. Your mother loved someone else... that is the reason of our divorce...

Amaira sigh....
Ram: I don't want you to hate her! Okay!

Amaira: that's why I use to spend more time with nanu and nani.

Ram look down..
Ram: I wish I could raise you and be present in your life... your brother love you a lot. Give us a chance....

Amaira sigh and nods...
Amaira: Yes uncle. Thank you for telling me the truth...

Ram nods.
Ram: Anything you need or want you can come to me... I will give you anything... you are my world...

Amaira smile and hug Ram.
Amaira: Thank you... I am so happy I have meet you Dadda..

Ram take a deep breath... his eyes were fill with tears. He look at Amaira.

Ram: What did you say?

Amaira: Dadda..
She smile with tears..

Ram: I love you my princess.

Amaira smile.
Ram: stop crying.. and don't forget this is your house too. You are welcome anytime and don't need to knock on the door.

Amaira nods...

They heard the doorbell..
Ram: I will go.
Ram went to open the door and was surprise to see Arnav..

Ram: Arnav.. what a pleasant surprise.

Arnav; Hello uncle. Is Amaira here.

Ram nods and take him inside.
Amaira glared at him...

Arnav: Uncle can I take Amaira with me.. we are going out for dinner

Ram: Of course.

Amaira hug Ram.
Amaira; See you dadda.

Ram: See you. Be safe.
Amaira nods.
Arnav: bye uncle.

Ram: Bye beta..

Arnav held Amaira hand and they both left..
They went in the car...
Amaira look through the window while Arnav was driving. He was stealing glances from Amaira..

He drive to his destination...

Raichand Empire....
Abeer office.
Abeer walk inside and saw Shaira sleeping on the table...

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