Raichand Empire.
Arnav office.
Arnav sigh...
Arnav: I will have to do something to her...

Arnav call on the office phone.
Arnav: Send Miss Shaira Birla in my office.

Women: Okay sir.

Arnav keep the phone back.

After sometime someone knocked on the door.
Arnav: Come in.

Shaira walk in.
Shaira: Sir you called me?

Arnav: Yes miss Birla! I did! I want you to do something for me.

Shaira nodded.
Arnav: we have lost a big deal in the morning. I want you to work with Abeer Raichand for the next deal..

Shaira nods.
Shaira: Yes sir... anything else...!

Arnav: And send someone to buy some flowers for me... just tell them to not put lilies flowers in it.

Shaira smile.

Arnav: Why are you smiling.

Shaira: oh it's for your girlfriend

Shaira: Miss Shaira.

Shaira: yes yes sorry sir. Your work will be done! Bye.
She left.

Shaira was walking while talking to herself.
Shaira: Shaira you are so stupid! You like to get in trouble with the monster boss! I feel sorry for his girlfriend. Argh!

Shaira saw a security.
Shaira: Rajveer uncle.

Rajveer look at her.

Shaira: Can you please go buy a bouquet of flowers for me. Boss told me to send someone.

Rajveer: okay ma'am? What flowers.

Shaira sigh.
Shaira: Let me think... yes yes he told me to specially not but rose flower.

Rajveer: Okay beta.
Rajveer went to buy the flowers.

Shaira put her finger near her head.
Shaira: Was it rose flowers that he told me not to buy... yes yes it's must be it...

Shaira was walking while lost in her thought... she collide with someone and fall on his arm..

Shaira look at that person..

It was Abeer Raichand...
Abeer: So clumsy You are miss Shaira..

Shaira: You! Please

Abeer: Okay..
he smirk.

Abeer leave her and she fall down.
Shaira: Ah!

Aryan was behind them.
Aryan: Bhai!

Aryan forward his hand to Shaira.
Aryan: Di wake up.

Shaira look at him with a smile and hold his hand to stand up.

Shaira: Thank you.

Abeer: That's not you Di!

Shaira: He has manners compared to you.

Abeer laugh!
Abeer: I am going to take him to Bhai office then we will talk about our next project!

Shaira nods.
Abeer held Aryan to walk to Arnav office.

Shaira: Gosh these brothers are crazy!
She sigh. What my life has become!
She say it funnily.

Chaudhary company.
Trisha office.
Trisha was sitting on her chair and was working on her laptop....

She look at a picture of her mom...
Trisha: I know your other daughter was more important than me...why can't I even hate you when you choose someone else over me! Why? I act like I hate you but I can't! Why mumma? Why! I wish you weren't dead... I wish I could have spend sometime with you but you choose her....  I don't even know anyone from your family... I don't hate you. I can't hate you! I can't!

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