Amaira ward...
Amaira was laying on the bed... her eyes were fill with tears.

Amaira heard the door open and look toward the door. She saw Arnav.

She look down as she didn't want to talk to him.

Arnav went to sit next to her....
He hold Amaira hand put Amaira take her hand away from him..
Amaira: Leave me... please leave!

Arnav: Amaira please!

Amaira: What! Arnav please! You are the last person I want to see right now so leave!

Arnav: Amaira please...

Amaira: Arnav please. If you really love me please leave!

Arnav sigh and look at her sadly...
Arnav: I am leaving for now....

Amaira look down with tears.
Arnav left....

The door open again... Amaira saw Aditya and Aryan...
Amaira wipe her tears and look at them...

Both Aryan and Aditya hug Amaira....
Aryan: Bhabhi are you fine?

Amaira: Call me Di Aryan. Not bhabhi. I am not your bhabhi.

Aryan and Aditya look at Amaira shockingly...
Aditya: But bhabhi...

Amaira: Please Adi call me Di... i am not your bhabhi anymore...

Aryan: No! No and no! You are my bhabhi and my only bhabhi....!

Amaira: No Aryan.... I am not! Please call me Di or Amaira....

Aditya: Bhabhi what are you saying! If you don't want us to call you bhabhi fine we will call you Di...

Aryan: Yes Di....

Amaira hug them and wipe her tears.....
The door open again and Abeer came in. He smile looking at them.

Abeer: Aryan Aditya please go outside.. I need to talk with bhabhi privately....

Aryan and Aditya nodded and left.

Amaira look at Abeer.
Amaira: Call me Amaira Abeer.... We are best friend! I am not your bhabhi anymore!

Abeer: Amaira please stop this nonsense! You don't know anything! You can't take a decision without knowing anything!

Amaira: Your brother lie to me and I hate liar Abeer. You know this more than anyone.

Abeer: Amaira please! He was waiting a good moment to tell you. He didn't cheat on you! Ruhi is his ex that still love him! She wanted to create misunderstanding between you and Bhai and she succeed because you are stupid!

Amaira look at Abeer shockingly!
Amaira: Oh i am the stupid one and not your brother right! Of course you will take your brother side.

Abeer: Please believe me....bhai love you Amaira.... He love you more than anyone

Amaira look at him.
Abeer: That's all I am gonna say. Don't let Ruhi win!
Abeer left.

Amaira sigh....
The door open again and Amaira smile looking at her grand parents.
Amaira: Nanu nani...
Amaira hug them...

Kalyani: Amaira your grandpa and I want to tell you something?

Amaira look at her grandparents...
Raj; Your father...

Amaira look at them confusedly...
Raj: Your father and elder brother are outside...

Amaira: Father elder brother? What are you both talking!

Kalyani: Your Nanu is not lying! They will come to talk to you....

Amaira hold her grandparents now....
Amaira: Do they are love me? Why they never came to meet me or see me?

Kalyani: I will answer all your questions later.
Amaira nodded... Kalyani and Raj left.

Amaira heart was beating fast as the door was opening. Amaira was shock to see Ram and Veer.

Ram and Veer look at her with teary eyes.
Amaira: You?

Ram walk to Amaira and hold her hand gently...
Ram: Yes.. I am your father Amaira. You are my daughter.

Amaira leave his hand immediately..
Amaira: No.. you are lying! You are lying!

Ram look at her with tears.
Ram: I am not. This is your elder brother veer!

Amaira look at veer and nodded negatively..
Amaira: Why you never came to me? You left me!

Ram: your nani didn't allowed me too!

Amaira: Why!

Ram: When you get well we will talk... Do you love Arnav.

Amaira look down...
Amaira: I really hate liars! I hate them! And he lie to me! I don't want to see him!

Arnav was standing behind the door. He hold back his tears. He couldn't heard Amaira talking like this about him...

Arnav came inside..
Arnav hold Aaira hand.
Arnav: I am sorry Aaira please. I was waiting for the right time to tell you. Please believe me please...

Veer: Arnav please get out she doesn't want to talk you! Can't you understand!

Arnav look at veer!
Arnav: Please let me explain myself I can't lost you... you all don't know how much Amaira mean to me... she is my everything...

Amaira: Uncle veer please give us a moment.

Ram and Veer nodded and left.

Arnav hug Amaira but Amaira didn't hug him back.

Amaira: Leave me! Please.

Arnav: No.. please forgive me. Please!

Amaira: Promise me you will never lie to me ever again.. please. I really hate liars Arnav! I am giving you a chance as I love you... please don't hurt me again please.

Arnav smile and hug her tightly.
Arnav: Thank you... I love you so much....

Amaira hug him back but didn't say I love you....

Arnav: I understand.. take your time....

Arnav kiss Amaira forehead.
Arnav: I know your mind is a messed right now! Everything that is happening. I will help you in all of this.

Amaira nodded and sigh...

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