Raichand mansion..
Amaira just came back from the hospital.. Arnav decided to bring her to his home..

Rudra,Kalyani, Raj, Ram and veer also came...

Abeer, Aditya and Aryan were happy to have their brother and sister in law back...

Arnav help Amaira to sit on the couch...
Rudra sit beside Amaira.

Rudra held Amaira hand gently..
Rudra; I am sorry.. i didn't know she was his ex and she was trying to hurt you mentally... and I am sorry.. I already break up with her.

Amaira look at Rudra with tears.
Amaira: It's okay... if you love her you should go for it... not just because of me you will left her.

Rudra: Of course yes! You are my best friend... and anyone who will hurt you I won't spare them!

Arnav look at them... he was feeling jealous but he controlled himself... he look at Rudra holding Amaira hand angrily...

"Calm down Arnav... he is just her best friend.. calm down... she love you... she love only..."thought Arnav....

Rudra stand up....

Ram: So... Amaira..

Amaira look at her father.
Ram: Would you like to move in with your brother and I.

Amaira look down... she look at her nani and nana them at Arnav...

Amaira: uncle... I... I want to stay here for sometime... with Arnav.... I won't you all don't mind..

Ram: No... no we completely understand...

Amaira: I will come and visit...

Arnav: Or you guys can come here....

Ram nodded...
Veer: you need anything you call us...

Kalyani: You are fine right.

Amaira: yes Nani. Don't worry.

Raj: okay Amaira take care. I know I can trust Amaira with you. We will come to visit tomorrow.

Arnav: don't worry. She is safe here.

Amaira: I love you both.
Kalyani and Raj kiss Amaira forehead and then they left.

Ram: okay Amaira. See you tomorrow.

Amaira nods.
Veer: call if you need anything and we love you.

Amaira: thank you and see you tomorrow.

Ram and Veer also left.

Arnav: Aryan.. and Aditya go to freshen up. Then we will have dinner. You meed to sleep early as you have to go to college tomorrow...

Aryan and Aditya nodded and left.

Amaira look at Abeer...
Abeer: you are fine right..

Amaira: I am okay Abeer. Stop worrying please!

Abeer: Mairaa...

Amaira: gosh you were always this annoying. I remember in college too.

Abeer: cause I am worried about you stupid!

Amaira laugh.
Amaira: I love your caring nature..

Arnav glared at them.
Arnav: Are you both done? Abeer can i talk with my fiancee please.

Abeer: Ouh jealous Bhai? That's a first... what are you doing to my brother Amaira bhabhi...

Amaira: Argh first of all call me Amaira or maira you are my best friend and your brother change every minutes!

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