Singhania Mansion...
Ram were sitting on the couch reading a journal.....

He heard the door open and look up. He smile seeing Veer coming.

Ram: Veer you won't believe it... amaira came to visit today and she call me dadda. It was so amazing...

Shivangi come out behind it Veer. Ram was shock...

Ram: Shivangi?

Shivangi: Surprise Uncle...

Ram: Omg mera bacha..
ram hug Shivangi...
Ram: I missed you... where have you gone? There wasn't a day that I didn't miss you.

Shivangi: I miss you too uncle and I am happy you both have met Amaira.

Ram smile..
Ram: Anyway? Why did you leave? Where did you go?

Shivangi: I will answer all your question later...

Ram: Okay... you need to rest. You already have your room. You can go.

Shivangi nodded and went inside.

Veer: Papa did Amaira say something?

Ram: She love us... you can go see her anytime you want. Okay?

Veer nodded.
Ram: and please act well with Shivangi. She has her reason why she left okay.

Veer sigh.
Veer: Yes don't worry.
Veer left.
Ram sigh.

Ram room
Ram open his wardrobe and take out a letter from his drawer.

Ram: Prerna who has told me to open this ready when I am ready...I think I am ready to read it...

He open the letter with trembling hand..
he start to read it....
Ram: Dear Ram.... The time you will read this letter I am sure I will not be here.. I wanted to tell a truth that I have hide from you... it's about Amaira.... Amaira isn't your daughter... I was having an affair and Amaira is for that man and not yours. I lie to you because I thought you would have treated Amaira differently to Veer. That's why I took Amaira custody cause she isn't yours Ram. I lied! Please treat her like your own daughter and her father is Chaudhary... I am sorry once again...
The letter fall down the floor....

Ram: NO! This can't be true! And what is her father name! What Chaudhary! Why didn't you tell me the full name! WHY! No no no! AMAIRA IS MY DAUGHTER! No one will know this true!

Ram take a lighter and burn the letter...
Ram: Amaira is my daughter only...

He took a deep breath and sigh..

Singhania office
Amaira cabin.
Amaira look at Arnav. He was sleeping on her couch...
She walk to the couch and sit next to him.... She gently hold his head and lay it on her lap... she play with his hair while Arnav snuggled more in her lap....

Amaira: Arnav.... Don't you have work today?

Arnav: Maira please... let me sleep... and continue playing with my hair. It feel so nice...

Amaira: But work?

Arnav: Abeer, Aryan and Aditya will take care of the work. Don't worry. Come and sleep with me...

Amaira: No... i have work! I need to work on a dress right now....

Arnav: fine.. you can go...
Amaira lay his head back gently on the couch. She kiss her forehead and went back to work...

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