Raichand mansion.
Amaira was in with Arnav. His arm was around Amaira and he keep kissing Amaira neck making her giggled.

Amaira: Arnav stop.. what will your brother think?

Arnav: I am sure they went to sleep.
Arnav was about to kiss her again but stop hearing his brother voice.

Amaira immediately push him off her and glared at him!

Amaira: Adi.. Aryan! You two are still awake? Where is Abeer.

Adi: Bhai is in his room...and we wanted to tell you both we passed our exam.

Arnav smile
Arnav: Wowww that's amazing... so you two will join office tomorrow. Is your leg okay Aryan?

Aryan smile
Aryan: Perfect..

Arnav: Perfect then.. I already have a job for you both tomorrow. A contract...

Adi: Woww that's amazing. 

Arnav: And congrats

Amaira: Yes congrats.. I am so proud of you both.

Aryan: thanks bhabs

Amaira smile.
Arnav: okay okay. Go to bed now!  You will have to wake up early.
They nods and left.

Amaira and Arnav walk to Arnav room..

Arnav room.
Amaira sat on the bed looking at Arnav.
Arnav: Baby... I have a shoot coming up.. and I want some dresses from your company.

Amaira: of course. Take anything you want Arnav. Come to my office tomorrow. You can choose anything.

Arnav smile.
Arnav: Okay... i will come with Abeer and the model.

Amaira nodded...
Amaira walk to Arnav and hold his hand. She took him outside in the balcony.

They sat on the couch. Arnav took Amaira in his arm. She may her head on his chest.

Amaira: I know our relationship started because of my nanu.. and I also know you doesn't love me Arnav... and please if you won't ever love me tell me right now! And leave me... cause maybe someone else will love me.

Arnav: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING! You are just mine. Just mine. You are insane! Don't ever say that again! I WANT YOU IN MY LIFE!

Amaira: Arnav! Why do you want to marry me?

Arnav: I like you and I have made a promise to someone. To always keep you happy..

Amaira: Like a responsibility? Right?

Arnav: Amaira! Please! I don't want to fight... when you are ready to talk you tell me please! I am going to sleep.

Amaira sigh and went to bed....
Arnav also went to bed. He lay beside her. He look at her and kiss her forehead.... He hug her and slept.
Abeer room.
Abeer was looking at Shaira picture...
Abeer: You are special Shaira. And I know your dream was always to be a model that's why I proposed this to you...

Abeer: This will be so good cause you will be the model...
He smile.

Next morning...
Singhania company..
Amaira office
Amaira was lost... she couldn't concentrate. She couldn't understand her relationship with Arnav...

She heard someone knocking..
Amaira: Come in...

She smile seeing Abeer... Shaira and Arnav...

Shaira was shock to see Amaira..
Shaira: You... you are the girl I met outside the office. You are the Amaira Singhania?

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