Arnav cover Amaira eyes with his hands.....

Amaira: Arnav what are you doing....

Arnav: Shushhh trust me....

Arnav help Amaira to go to the beach. Othe beach were decorated beautiful with roses.

Arnav: I am gonna remove my hand Amaira but you don't open your eyes. You keep it close okay?

Amaira: Okay....

Arnav kneel down and take out a ring...
Arnav: You can open.

Amaira look everywhere then at Arnav. She open the box and look at the diamond ring. She was surprise....
Amaira: Omg Arnav..,.

Arnav: Will you marry me miss Amaira Singhania.

Amaira look at him with teary eyes and nodded...Arnav make her wear the ring.... Arnav kiss Amaira on her forehead.

Amaira: I love you Mr Kapoor.

Arnav: I love you too.
Arnav hug Amaira.
They both enjoy their time together then Arnav went to drop Amaira at home.....

Amaira: Come inside Arnav. I am sure nanu and nani will be happy to meet you.....

Arnav nodded as he needed to talk with Mr Singhania.

They both went inside and saw the two elderly people sitting...

Amaira: Nanu nani.

Kalyani and Raj look at their granddaughter happily.....

Kalyani: Amaira....
Amaira hug them...
Amaira: Look Arnav proposed.
She say excitedly.... Kalyani was very happy. Raj look at Arnav.

Raj: May I have a word Arnav.
Arnav nodded. He follow raj to his meeting room.

Amaira look at the photograph of her mom and smile.
Amaira: I wish you were here mumma. I am so happy today. You know since I met Arnav I feel like I have a family again. He has two younger brothers and they treat me like their elder sister.

Kalyani smile looking at Amaira. She hug her.
Kalyani: Your mother is so proud of you Pari....

Amaira smile through her tears looking at her grandmother.

Raj meeting room.
Raj: What is all this Arnav?

Arnav: Nanu I wanted to talk to you about this. I don't want to marry Amaira as a deal..... I really want to marry her... I am sorry that I threaten you about her business. But you don't need to be scared now....

Raj: Really. Are you saying the true? You really love Amaira....

Arnav: Yes nanu. I don't want to merge our business. I will ask her after marriage what she want to do. I don't want to do this by blackmailing her. And all the paper we did please burn all. I don't want any papers to get in her hand. I need to tell her the true by myself.

Raj: Don't worry. I am just happy that I don't have to betray my own granddaughter now. Please always keep her happy.

Arnav: Don't worry. She will be very happy

Arnav take Raj blessing.

Arnav meet Amaira one last time and greet Kalyani and Raj then left.

Raj phone start to ring..... he look at the number worriedly.

Amaira: What happen nanu.... Who is that.

Raj: No one. Don't worry....
Raj went outside to talk...

Amaira: nani I wanted to ask something.

Kalyani: tell me..

Amaira: Can i go stay at Raichand mansion tomorrow. Aditya and Aryan wanted me to stay.

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