Singhania mansion.
Dining table.
Shivangi, Veer and Ram were sitting around the table waiting for Amaira and Arnav.

Veer: dad are you sure she will come.

Ram nods.

Ram smile seeing Arnav and Amaira coming.

Amaira: Hello

Arnav: namaste uncle. Hi Veer.

Veer and Ram greeted them and they took a seat...

Ram: Amaira Arnav meet Shivangi Veer best friend and Shivangi meet Amaira and Arnav my daughter and son-in-law.

Amaira smile.
Amaira: Nice to meet.

Shivangi: nice to meet you too. I heard a lot of good things about you from your brother and father.

Amaira smile.
Amaira: So bhai is Shivangi di your girlfriend...

Shivangi and Veer look at each other.
Shivangi: Di...

Amaira: You are elder than me... it's fair if I call you Di.

Shivangi and Ram smile.

Amaira: And bhai you haven't answer my question....

Veer: No... why are you asking...

Amaira: She seem like someone important to you and you both know each other well...

Veer: We are best friend Amaira. That's it...
Shivangi sigh...

Amaira and Arnav look at each other...

Shivangi: And you Amaira... how did you meet your fiancee...

Amaira and Arnav look at each other.
Amaira: Actually it's an arrange marriage. My grandfather has choose Arnav for me...

Shivangi: Wowww you two seem so in love...

Amaira look at Arnav...
Amaira: Anyway... dad... we shall take your leave... the boys are alone at home... it was nice meeting your Shivangi.

Shivangi: You too. Hope we will meet a lot more.

Amaira: Of course... bye Bhai..
amaira and Arnav say bye to everyone and then left....

Shivangi: They seem so in love... but their is something wrong in their relationship...

Ram: What do you mean shivangi....

Shivangi: I don't know... I am sure Amaira is in love with him but I am not sure about Arnav... he couldn't meet Amaira eyes whenever the word love was mention.... is their love in their relationship?

Ram: Of course beta. They both love each other or else they wouldn't go ahead with this alliance.

Shivangi sigh.
Shivangi: You are right uncle. Maybe I am wrong.

Veer: Of course you are right Shivangi? What do you know about love? Nothing or else you wouldn't have leave me...

Shivangi stand up.
Shivangi: Excuse me...
She went in her room.

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