On the road.
Veer and Rudra went behind Amaira. They saw her walking lifelessly and crying.

Veer: Amaira stop.

They both saw a car coming in Amaira direction

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They both saw a car coming in Amaira direction.


Rudra and veer run toward her to separate her from the car but unfortunately the car run over her and Amaira felt down unconsciously on the bed.

Rudra: AMAIRA!

Rudra: AMAIRA!

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They both went to her. Their were blood coming out of her head. Veer immediately carry her and her and Rudra went to the hospital immediately.

Veer: Doctor come here... doctor. Nurse.

Nurse and doctor came out

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Nurse and doctor came out. Veer lay Amaira on  a stroller.

Doctor: Fast. In the operation room. Her case is critical. I am not even sure if she is going to survive.

The doctor took Amaira in the operation room.

Veer and Rudra were crying. They so scared and worry.

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