Dining room
Amaira walk inside and saw the boys eating.
Amaira: Aryan didn't your brother told you to eat in your room today. How did you come downstairs. How is your leg.

Aryan: Relax bhabhi... I am fine. Abeer bhai have bring me downstairs. I wanted to eat with them and not alone.

Amaira nodded and went to take a seat.

Abeer: maira won't you eat?

Amaira: No... i will later. Don't worry.

Aditya: Bhabhi why don't you get marry soon... I want you to stay here forever.

Amaira sigh....
Amaira: Soon Adi....

Aditya smile.
Aditya: I can't wait...

Amaira was lost in her thought... Abeer was calling her but she didn't hear him!

Abeer: Amaira...

Amaira thought was broken hearing Abeer...
Amaira: Yess

Abeer: Are you fine.

Amaira: Yes i am dont worry....

They were done eating.
Amaira: Abeer help Aryan to go in his room and Adi go to sleep. You will have to wake up early tomorrow.

Adi: Okay. And bhabhi tomorrow is the last day and we will need to wait for result.Good night bhabhi...

Amaira: Okay. Good night bacha.
Adi left.

Aryan: Good night bhabhi.

Amaira: Good night bacha.
Abeer help Aryan to go upstairs.

Amaira sigh and wipe her tears.
"No I won't cry for Arnav! I won't cry for a boy! He does whatever he want and I am here only because of Aryan and Aditya. I don't want to break their heart..."thought Amaira.

Amaira take a plate with food and went upstairs in Arnav room....

Arnav room.
Arnav keep the photo back...
He sit on the bed and sigh. He heard the door open and saw Amaira walk in with food...

Amaira hand the plate to Arnav.
Amaira: here

Arnav look at her.
Arnav: Have you eat?

Amaira look down.
Amaira: Yes i did... and Arnav I am going out tomorrow. I need to buy some things for me.

Arnav: Okay and I have an important meeting tomorrow. But we can have lunch together.

Amaira: Okay... i am going to bed. Good night.

Arnav sigh.
Arnav: Good night.

Amaira lay on the bed and cover her entirely body with blanket.

Arnav look at her and sigh.
Arnav: AMAIRA! you wake up right now and come to eat. I know you haven't eat!

Amaira peeked through the blanket and look at Arnav.
Arnav: Come!

Amaira sigh and sit next to Arnav.
Arnav: I know you haven't eat. Please eat.

Amaira look down.
Arnav feed her.... She eat...

Arnav eat and feed Amaira too.

Arnav: I am going to keep the plate in the kitchen.
Amaira nodded and Arnav left.
Amaira drink water from the bottle and sit for sometime.

Then she went back to sleep. After sometime Arnav came.... and he look at Amaira sleeping figure...

Arnav kiss her forehead.
Arnav: Good night and I am sorry.
Arnav went back to sleep too.

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