Arnav room.
Arnav look at Amaira.
He try to approach her....

Arnav: what happen....

Amaira look at him...

Arnav held her by his shoulder.
Arnav: Please baby tell me. What's wrong. Why are you so afraid..

Amaira hug Arnav...
Amaira: i.. just hold me.

Arnav hug her and caressed her back.
Arnav: Shushh. Calm down.

Arnav make Amaira sit on the bed....
Arnav: Tell me baby... I am worried..

Amaira start to cry...
Amaira: I can't....

Arnav: What are you saying Amaira. I can't understand.

Amaira: I want to go home..

Arnav: Are you uncomfortable with me?

Amaira: No... no... of course no!

Arnav: let's go to bed. I will sleep on the couch. Okay!

Amaira: No.. Noo. I want you close to me. Please don't leave me.

Arnav: I am always with you baby.

Arnav carry Amaira to the bed. They hug each other and felt asleep. But Arnav couldn't sleep thinking about Amaira odd behavior. He look at her innocent face....  He kiss her forehead gently...

While thinking something came in his mind...
Arnav: No please! It can't be what I am thinking right? No! No one can hurt Amaira. I hope it's not what I am thinking...

Arnav was scared...
He look at Amaira. He caressed her face gently...

Arnav look at her sleeping as he was scared and wanted her to be safe.

In the morning...
Amaira wake up early and saw Arnav looking at her.

Amaira: Arnav... you are already up.

Arnav: Yes.. you sleep. It's early.

Amaira: No.. no I wanted to prepare something for the boys.

Arnav: But we have servant Amaira.

Amaira: No i want to do it...

Arnav: Okay fine.
Arnav kiss Amaira forehead. Amaira smile and went to freshen up....

Arnav phone start to ring.
He answer the call.

Arnav: Hello?

Ram: hello Arnav beta. Can we come home today.

Arnav: hello uncle? Yes of course. Tell Veer to come too.

Ram: Yess. Actually we have to talk to something related business.

Arnav: Okay... you come.... See you later.

Ram: Okay. See you.
Ram cut the call.

Arnav see Amaira coming wearing his clothes. He was lost in her.

Amaira: Who is this?

Arnav: A family friend. My business partner. They will be here for breakfast.

Amaira: Ohh okay.
Arnav: Let's go to the kitchen. I will help you.

Amaira and Arnav hold each other hand and went toward the kitchen when they collide with Aditya.

Aditya look at Amaira excitedly.
Aditya: Bhabhi you are here?

Aditya hug Amaira.
Amaira: Yes. I came yesterday..

Aditya: Why don't you and Bhai marry quickly. I want you to stay here always.

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