Chapter 7 - Evolution

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I wrote this but forgot to post it 🕺

Woah okay so a lot of things are clearly changing in my life

-I am in a group of friends called Les Potos De Chez Poteaux, we are 8-

So basicaly most of them (I think) don't want to be friends with me anymore and like I get it it's fine
And I knew that we would all drift over because we are all going to different schools (well, 3 of them are going to the same school, 2 of them are going to the same school, one of them is in another, one is in another too and I am in another)

So yeah I realized that I had to "let go of them" because otherwise I would not have friends in my next school.

So I sent a message in our group chat saying that I left the group but that I would still continue talking to some of them but not as the group (idk if it makes sense)

I don't know if I'll regret it, maybe? But for now it's almost like I feel relieved.

This group was so much for me when I got through hard times, but now it's the thing that makes everything hard in my life.

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