Chapter 13 - Rambling (once again)

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Well hello you, I rarely talk to you these days.

Did you wonder how I was ? I doubt it hahahWell, I'll tell you anyways.

Sooooooooooooo these days have been weird, my feelings and emotions are like a roller coaster, one moment I feel great and the other I feel so bad that I want to disappear, its a weird feeling.

For this past week, I felt like I wasn't the main character in my own life; like I was watching it happen, unable to do anything. It felt really weird, I didn't like this at all.

I can't do anything, I can't interact, I can't change a thing, I can't even control what I say and how I think. I didn't have a good moment this week.

ALSO; I need to talk about how fast I am distracted, I was just writing this and a notification popped up on my phone and I totally forgot about what I was doing. This is weird, and obviously I don't want to self-diagnose anything but maybe it's because of a mental thingy ? Idk

A tip if you know me irl, if my room is messy, I'm not feeling good at all. When I'm sad or just in a bad state I won't be able to clean ANYTHING in my room, or take care of myself (showering and brushing my teeth can be hard mentally idk why)

Of course you might want to call me disgusting for that, but stfu? You don't know anything about me other than the shitposts I do.

 And you really cannot judge someone for something if you don't know what they're going through.

I wanna change the subject a lil bit; GIPSY ROSE BLANCHARD GOT OUT OF PRISON!!

If you don't know who Gipsy Rose Blanchard is you should definitely check her story, it's really interesting and I really like stories like that, of course it's horrible what she's been through nut her story is really interesting and as someone who likes to do researches on random things and murder and just crime stuff it's really interesting.

Well I'm done rambling about random stuff, I'll go now.


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