Chapter 12 - Sorry (kinda)

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God I don't even know if I want to post on here, it feels like im always complaining.

I guess it doesn't bother you if youre still reading, maybe you care, maybe you relate to me, maybe youre just bored and reading, all of these are valid tbh

To be honest Im not really doing better, exept that I am trying to get better, Im going to see people that can help me, and im gonna continue trying my best.

I havent really been to school, it must have been at leats 4 weeks since I went for a full week.I cant bare to go, especially on tuesdays and thursdays, it feels like hell these days.

Plus I don't think that my friends understand me or just try to understand me.

Especially the ones at my school, the others ones its fine, even if some don't understand and cant relate, at least they try.

I found yesterday a message that one of my male friends (Etienne for the ones who know me) and I cried, Im not going to get into all the details but basically he was telling me that he was trying to understand and that it was ok for me to be that way (sort of) and that he was just worried; He also told me some really sweet stuff in general and it was really nice I cried so much.Yeah as you can see I don't really know what to tell you but I wanted to tell you that I was seeking therapy (sort of) and that I was trying to get better for once because I don't want to end up wanting to kms :))

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