bonus chapter | 2 (e)

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"My soul is in love with your soul

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"My soul is in love with your soul." — R.Hart

Bonus | 2


Luke's sleeping figure remained still from under me, except the rise and fall of his chest, causing my glare to intensify.

"Come on." I pressed another kiss to his cheek. "Wake up."

The scars on his neck bucked, causing my grin to grow. The rumble of his voice came next, "Angel, what are you—" His eyes opened, but when they saw the plan in mine, he closed them, again. "No."

I scowled. "You don't even know what I'm doing."

Luke shook his head, settling an arm over his eyes. "The hell I don't." His free arm drew me in closer to get me on his chest. "Lay down."

I remained in place on top of him, grabbing his arm to lower it from his eyes. "I was laying down, but I thought the house was on fire." I had actually woken up, because I was so excited for the day.

One eye popped open. "What was it?"

I grinned. "Your snores."

A scowl curled his lips, his eyes draping shut, again. "If I can handle thinking there's a whole damn apocalypse going on outside the house everytime you snore, then you'll be fine."

Fighting back a laugh, I grabbed his hands this time. They went to my thighs on their own, but he made sure to keep his eyes shut so that he wouldn't have to endure the next minute and a half.

A smile stretched my face. "Ready?"

"For my beautiful girl to get back in my arms and take her ass to sleep?" he muttered, humming, "Mhm. Absolutely."

Rolling my eyes, my lips brushed the initials on his neck, then his jaw before I leaned back. "What happened when the candle went dating?"

"It's three o'clock in the morning, woman," he groaned out.

I bit into my lip to hold my laughter back. "That's not an answer."

"You know what?" he mumbled. "I love you so damn much that I'm gonna let you have this one. Just one, though." Squeezing my thighs, he turned his head to the side to bury it into the pillow, huffing out, "Tell me."

I grinned down at him. "The answer is..." I paused, but when he didn't give an answer, I finished, "It found the perfect match."

His eyes opened, a glare wedged in the jewels.

I giggled through, "Get it? Perfect match...candle—" At his silence, I groaned, "You don't know real art when you see it, Luke."

"I do."

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