--Season 3 -- Chapter 1: They're Still Out There

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Sans turns aggressively in his sleep. He grips his head and winces in pain. A nightmare, worse than all of his others... That is what he's experiencing.

"Comic Sans, huh?" A voice says with a chuckle. "Do you have any idea what you've done?" Sans tries to look around, but ERROR's chords wrap around him. He's trapped, and he can't see anything. Pure darkness surrounds his entire body.

"What's happening!?" He says as he begins to feel a cold, slime like substance move across his body. "What's going on!?" A girl's laughter can be heard from... Somewhere. It's young, probably around Sans' age.

Then he hears another voice. "You've put us all in danger. How dare you?" It's Dust, and he sounds angry. "What the hell did we do!?"

Sans wants to say he doesn't know what Dust is talking about, but the words won't come from his mouth. Someone else speaks. "Calm down. Although it's all true, he didn't mean any of it." Sans' eyes widen. Whoever this is, they have his back.

Then Sans hears Skelly's voice. "Yeah, and it isn't like he's beyond redemption. He can make up for it." Sans wants to thank Skelly, but he still can't talk.

"Bullshit." Someone else says. They sound just like Sans, except they're more... Sinister. "I meant all of it..."

"Why don't we just kill him?" Another voice chuckles. He sounds annoyed, but Sans doesn't know what for.

ERROR then says "Idiot. If he dies then so dD-d-do we." He says this angrily. Sans remembers their little arrangement. "We have to punish him without killing him..."

Sans begins to feel an intense amount of pain throughout his entire body. As this happens, he sees things. He sees everything he's done. He sees Papyrus die, as well as Frisk, and Chara... Then he sees something else. It's Izuku! He's talking to... Tomura.

Sans bolts up from his bed and screams "No, don't do it!" He looks around and sighs. "Oh... It was just a dream." He stands up and walks out if his room.

It's been two months since Izuku's disappearance. Sans is now fully recovered from his injuries, which he is very happy about. It was awful moving around in crutches all day everyday.

Lately, Sans has been mainly hanging out with Eijiro and Kyouka, as well as Katsuki and sometimes even King. He's glad he has his friends, and he hopes he can protect them if he ever has to.

Sans sighs as he looks at his phone. "It's Saturday. This is gonna be a boring day..." He walks downstairs, and begins thinking about his dream. That's when he comes to the realization. "She's still out there!" He exclaims excitedly. "She's still alive!" He scrolls through his contacts and calls Kyouka. "Hey, no time to talk. Meet me at my house as soon as possible. Bye!" He hangs up and calls all of his other friends as well.

Eventually, everyone arrives. Everyone being Eijiro, Kyouka, King, Katsuki, Aizawa Sensei, and even All Might. "Alright, what did you call us here for?" Aizawa asks.

"She's still alive, and I need your guys' opinions." Sans says as he looks at all of the people he holds dearly. "What should I do?"

That's when Katsuki steps in. "Who the fuck are you talking about?" He asks. "What the hell are you going on about?"

Sans lightly bops himself on the head. "Oh, sorry I almost forgot." Sans takes a deep breath and smiles. "Frisk... Frisk is still alive." Everyone's eyes widen as he says this. It doesn't make sense, Izuku killed her.

"Uhh, Sans?" Eijiro says nervously. "Are you alright buddy?" Sans tilts his head in confusion, when he realizes why they must be confused.

"Frisk's quirk, is the same as Chara's..." Sans says. He takes a deep breath, and sighs. "The only way to kill her, is by destroying her heart." Everyone comes to the same realization as Sans.

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