-- Season 3 -- Chapter 19: Jealousy

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It's been a month since All Might's death. The entire world is still in shock, but things are starting to go back to normal. Well, at least as normal as possible.

Sans slowly opens his eyes. Looking around, he sighs. "What a night..." He says as he throws his blanket off of himself. He walks over to a mirror and stares at the many scars covering his body. His mother let him go through it all... He still can't believe most of what she told him that fateful night. With a finger he traces the largest scar. A straight line going from his shoulder to his hip. Chara did that to him...

'No point in thinking about this,' Sans thinks to himself. 'The past is just a bad memory. Holding on to it will only bring weakness.'

A knock is heard, and Sans makes his way to the door. When he opens it, he sees Kyouka. "Oh, hey Kyouka."

The normally calm and collected Kyouka becomes a blushing mess as she sees Sans' currently exposed chest. His body is much more toned than it used to be. It seems that the constant fighting has treated his body well.

"H-hi Sans," Kyouka stutters. "Why do you not have a s-shirt on?" She looks away in embarrassment, and Sans just looks down at himself.

"Oh, sorry. I must still behalf asleep," Sans says sheepishly as he rubs the back of his neck. "I'll go put on a shirt. Just wait for me on the couch."

Kyouka walks in and over to the couch as Sans goes to his room. When he returns he's wearing a plain white t-shirt. "Sup?"

Kyouka smiles warmly. "Nothing, I just wanted to come see you."

"Oh, okay," Sans says as he sits down next to her.

The two talk for a little while, enjoying each other's company. It's been ages since they were able to just sit down and talk like this.

Sans laughs heartily at a joke from Kyouka. This catches her off guard. Has she ever heard him laugh like that?

Suddenly, Kyouka has an idea. "Ooh! Sans, do you want to go grab something to eat?" Sans looks at her for a few moments before shrugging.

"Sure, I can eat."

The two of them grab their things and leave. They decide to just get some fast food, and they make their way to Burger Prince.

As they arrive, Sans feels someone tap on his shoulder. He turns around and Sees four people. It's King, Katsuki, Eijiro, and Frisk.

"Wait, when did you get here?" Sans asks in confusion.

"Same time as you," King replies with a smile. Frisk stares at Sans with a sparkle in her eyes, and King chuckles. "You better brace yourself, Sans."

Sans tilts his head. "What do you mean-?"

Suddenly, Frisk jumps at Sans, going for a hug. "Thank you so much for helping me! I missed you so much!"

"No! Frisk stop!" Sans exclaims as Frisk embraces him. His face heats up, and his brain starts moving at a hundred miles per hour.

Kyouka watches on as Sans catches Frisk, awkwardly hugging her back. She grits her teeth. Why was she angry? She didn't know. Was she... Jealous?

"Oi, shorty!" Katsuki laughs, addressing Frisk, who is a full eight inches shorter than him. "I think you're breaking him." Frisk gives him a confused look.

"What do you mean?"

Kyouka says, "He doesn't like it, so get off of him." There's a small hint of anger in her voice, which Frisk does not take notice of.

"Oh, sorry Sans!" She giggles as she gets off of him. Sans sighs in relief.

'I thought I was going to have a heart attack...' Sans thinks to himself.

"Anyways," Eijiro says. "Why don't we go grab some food?" The group agrees, and they all go into Burger Prince.

Sans sits down, and Frisk sits down next to him. Katsuki is about to sit down on the other side of him, but Kyouka pushes him out of the way.

Katsuki glares at Kyouka, and says "Hey, what is was that about!?"

"What's wrong, Firecracker?" Kyouka says in a threatening voice. Katsuki growls at her, and it seems like the two of them were about to start brawling in the middle of the fast food restaurant. Suddenly, Sans bursts out laughing.

"Firecracker, oh god yes!" Sans laughs. His smile instantly calms the group down.

'How can I stay mad when he's laughing like that?' Kyouka wonders.

'Damn, he seems so much purer than normally...' Katsuki thinks as he chooses to let Kyouka have the seat. He walk over and sits by Eijiro instead. King sits at the end of the small table.

After they order their food and eat, the group leaves, taking their separate paths home. After splitting apart from the rest of the group, Kyouka and Sans start walking to Sans' home.

"You know, it was supposed to just be you and I..." Kyouka grumbles.

Sans blinks. "What was that?"



They walk together for awhile, and Sans takes notice of Kyouka's gloomy mood. "Kyouka... What's wrong?" He asks.

Kyouka glances at him for a brief moment before looking away. "I-it's nothing."

"Kyouka, you can tell me anything, okay?"


"So will you tell me what's wrong?"

Kyouka bites her lip. She can't tell him that she's jealous of him, can she? That would probably make it really awkward between them...

"I'm just tired. Sorry for worrying you," Kyouka sighs. Sans wants to ask more, but they arrive at Sans' house and Kyouka quickly says, "Well, we're here. I should get going. My parents will start to worry. Bye sans!" She eaves goodbye and runs off.

Sans stares at her as she runs into the distance. "Oh... She's gone..."

Walking into his home, Sans makes his way to his room. Laying down on his bed, he closes his eyes. A blue aura surrounds his body, and he enters the space that the other Sanses live.

The other Sanses stare at him, and he points at the new Sans. "You and I..." He says coldly. "We need to talk."


Okay, so this chapter was a LOT more chill than the ones before it, lol. Anyways Kyouka is starting to feel jealous around Sans. I wonder why... Anyways criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks.

PS: I'm curious what do you guys think the best ship for Sans is?

Sans x Kyouka

Sans x Frisk

Sans x Katsuki

Sans x Eijiro

Sans x Dabi

Sans x King

Sans x Shouto

Sans x Chara (RIP)

Sans x Skelly (Please no)

Sans x no one

HArEm (Once again, please no)

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