-- Season 3 -- Chapter 18: My Time Has Come

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Blood pours out of All Might's mouth. He glances at his arm, which is shaking uncomfortably. In fact, it isn't just his arm. His entire body is shaking, and he's already struggling to stand.

"Well well well... It appears that you're even weaker than I expected." All For One chuckles as he approaches All Might. "I suppose I should just end it here."

All Might weakly lifts his head, staring at All For One. He feels something hit his knee, so he looks back down. It was a tear... 'Why am I crying?' He thinks this to himself as he looks back up.

"All For One..." All Might says with a cough. "I may fall eventually... But not yet." He forces his body to move. Every step makes it feel like his body is falling apart. He doesn't stop. In fact, he takes his broken body even further. He straightens himself, staring right at All For One's ugly face. "I am the Symbol of Peace! You are threatening MY people, and I will not let that go unpunished!" All Might lifts his arm, and his body begins to swell up with power. He isn't able to generate his full strength, but at least it's something...

"I suppose I should assist you in finishing the final chapter of your story." All For One declares menacingly.

Just like that, the two clashed once more. All Might had a clear disadvantage, but the battle wasn't one sided. Using the quirks of the past users of One For All, All Might manages to keep some pressure on the villain.

"Come on, All Might! Where's the excitement that you used to give people as you fought!? You've grown old, and people are tired of reading your story!" All For One mocks All Might as he lands a powerful blow to the number one hero's head.

"Shut the fuck up." All Might growls. "I don't care if you think you can get to my head. You are nothing but a bad memory. After this fight is over, you'll be remembered as the villain that almost defeated me! However, that is the only thing that you will have after I take you down!"

Each blow sends shockwaves throughout the entire city. People from miles away got pushed back by the force of the attacks alone.

Just when All Might thought he was gaining the upper hand, All For One's arm swelled up again. Using the black whip from before, All Might protects himself from the attack. However, All For One's quirk still manages to send All Might flying through the city.

"Damn it."

All Might uses his newfound ability to fly in order to slow down. He waits for a few moments, before he can see his opponent barreling towards him at an alarming speed.

All Might charges at the villain, punching him in the ribs. All For One is sent upwards, and All Might flies after him. He kicks All For One to the side, then to the other side. He tosses the terrible villain around like a ragdoll for several minutes, not wanting to stop and give the stronger individual an opening.

Alas, it doesn't work out the way he wants it to. All For One recovers, dodging a kick and delivering one of his own. All Might winces as his body is thrown into a nearby building.

He can hear the people of the city. Children are crying, men are fleeing, and the elderly are welcoming death. He grits his teeth. If this continues, he won't be able to defeat the powerful All For One...

"Care to surrender, All Might?"



"In your dreams."

All Might flies back at his enemy, headbutting him as hard as he can. Blood from both of their heads falls to the ground, raining down on a few unlucky civilians.

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