-- Season 3 -- Chapter 13: Successor

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Sans convinced Kyouka to give Eijiro and All Might some alone time, and they continue their walk to the teacher's lounge. Jack looks around with an impressed look on his face. "It's pretty damn nice in here, isn't it?"

"I guess you could say that." Aizawa says as they continue walking. "It isn't anything fancy, but I suppose it's still nice." Sans and Kyouka nod in agreement.

Jack sighs. "I guess it comes down to perspective, doesn't it?" He continues to admire the school as they walk. Before long, they arrive...

The teachers seem confused about Jack at first. Midnight gives the group a questioning look, to which Aizawa responds with "It's a long story..." He clears his throat and says "Everyone, there's something important that we must discuss."

After explaining the situation to the teachers, Aizawa says "We need a plan." The other heroes nod, and they get to work.

The plan is simple... The main group of heroes charges into the league's base, while Sans, Jack, and Katsuki rescue Frisk. If things get rough, Jack can use his speed to get them out of there. However, there is one main issue with their plan...

"How are we supposed to deal with this, All For One person?" Principal Nezu asks. "If we have little knowledge on what his quirk actually is, we don't know how to take him on."

Sans says "Leave him to me." The pros look at him in shock as he says "I have a bone to pick with him. Same goes for you, right Katsuki?" Katsuki nods. "The two of us are strong, and we can take care of ourselves. If All For One shows up, we'll deal with him together."

Jack chuckles and says "Don't forget about me. I should at least get in a few good hits. I owe it to the girl, after all. Plus, it's not fair for you two to hog all the fun to yourselves." This confidence is a mirage. Jack knows that All For One is too strong for them to deal with alone, but he has to boost the confidence of the heroes. If he does that, they'll fight harder to keep their ego intact.

"Then it's settled." Aizawa says. "Tomorrow night we'll make our way to the league's base, where we'll take them down, once and for all!" The heroes all nod, and the plan is set in stone.

Meanwhile, All Might and Eijiro stand in the room that Kyouka saw them in earlier. The atmosphere is nostalgic to All Might. It reminds him of when he chose Deku to be his successor... However, this time will be different. His successor will not turn to villainous tendencies, as his previous had. No, All Might made sure this time, that he was one hundred percent sure that Eijiro has the heart of a hero.

He remembers Deku's actions, and the very thought of it tugs at his heart. All Might had loved Deku as if the green haired teen was his own son, but alas, Deku turned to the dark side... Maybe that's why he was so hesitant to choose a new successor. Maybe All Might was scared that he would make the same mistake again, and his second successor would also become a twisted killer.

Eijiro isn't like that, though. All Might knows this, and so he is able to positively say that Eijiro is worthy of One For All. In fact, he's the only correct choice...

All Might stares at Eijiro with his signature smile. "Young Kirishima... Do you know why I wanted to talk with you?" Eijiro's eyes widen, and tears begin to form. "You are worthy... And I would like to take you on as my successor."

The sun pours through the window, giving the room a beautiful orange tint. Eijiro is still in crutches. His legs haven't been able to move effectively for quite some time, which severely harmed his chances of success as a hero. In fact, Eijiro even considered dropping out of Yuuei.

Eijiro begins to cry, which wasn't exactly the response he was expecting. He was expecting Eijiro to be excited, maybe even excited enough to give All Might a hug. Why is he crying? "Young Kirishima, what's wrong?"

"Why?" Eijiro asks. "Why me?" All Might suddenly understands why Eijiro is crying. "I'm clearly the worst choice, so why?"

All Might's smile becomes more caring, as he says "What do you mean? You're the best choice by far." Eijiro grits his sharp teeth in frustration.

"Damn it, tell me the truth!" Eijiro yells. "I'm not as strong as Bakugou or Sans, and I'm not nearly as smart as them either. Both of them are already saving people left and right, while I can't even try to keep up! I mean, just look at me... I'm crippled, God damn it!" Thoughts of Sans and Katsuki flood Eijiro's mind. He remembers Sans' power when he fought against the nomu, and when he was being controlled by the woman that claims to be his mother. He also remembers Katsuki's many feats of strength. How is he supposed to compete with people like them?

All Might sighs. "You just don't get it, do you?" Eijiro looks up at All Might, who pats his shoulder. "I'm not choosing you because of your strength. I'm choosing you because of your heart..." Eijiro's eyes widen.

"...W-what?" Eijiro stammers. "What do you mean?" All Might chuckles.

"A day will come, where I can no longer be the symbol of peace." All Might's smile fades as he says "I want my successor to take my position, but in order to do that they must be able to make others smile with their presence alone."

Eijiro says "But Sans and Bakugou can do that... Both of them can do it, and they're both stronger than me..." All Might looks at Eijiro and sighs.

"Do you know why young Comic and young Bakugou are so powerful?" Eijiro listens as All Might says "Bakugou became powerful through experimentation. He was experimented on, and made to be more powerful. Not only that, but his very being demands that he doesn't fall behind, so he works as hard as he can to stay on top." Eijiro gulps, unsure of how he feels about what All Might is telling him. "Comic on the other hand, was made to be powerful. He has been strong his entire life, and he only gets more powerful through his sheer determination to protect and avenge. Both of these powerful individuals have gotten powerful in their own unique way. You have to follow your own path, just like they have..."

Eijiro is at a loss for words. A stares at All Might, dumbfounded by the words from the number one hero. "I..." He bites his lip, unsure of what to say.

"Let me be a part of your path." All Might says as steam begins to come off of his body. A bit of blood drips out of his mouth as he says "My time as a hero is running out, and I need to make the correct choice..." He takes a deep breath and says "Young Kirishima... You are the correct choice."

Normally, someone would have accepted on the spot, but Eijiro wasn't so easily convinced. Why was he the best choice? All Might still hasn't completely answered this. Is it because he's weak? Is All Might taking pity on Eijiro.

"All Might, why me?" All Might frowns as Eijiro says "Just because I'm weaker... That doesn't mean I'm the right choice." He begins to cry more. "You should choose Sans or Bakugou..."

"Enough of this." All Might demands. "Stop feeling sorry for yourself and open your damn eyes!" Eijiro's taken by surprise. He looks up at All Might in awe as he transforms to his true self. All Might's once booming and confident voice is now quiet and hoarse. "You are the right choice. You are the right choice because you have the heart of a true hero. Even though you think you're not good enough, you don't give up!" The sun reflects in All Might's eyes, giving them a sort of gleam. Then again, the gleam may just be from how proud All Might is. He's proud of Eijiro, and he's proud of all of his other students as well. "You are the correct choice because you won't let anything stand in your way. You are a greater hero than you give yourself credit for. You are more than worthy."

Eijiro's tears begin to come in faster. He almost falls over, but he doesn't care. "Thank you..." Eijiro cries. "Thank you so much..." All Might smiles kindly as he pulls out a strand of his hair. "Well... If I'm going to inherit your quirk, what do I have to do?"

"Oh, that's very simple..." All Might says as he holds up the strand of hair. "Eat this..." The moment changes, and Eijiro looks up awkwardly at the number one hero, who is holding out the strand of hair.






This chapter is a little bit shorter than all the other chapters from this season, so sorry about that. Eijiro has finally been chosen as All Might's successor! (It's about damn time, huh?) Anyways criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks!

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