--Season 3-- Chapter 47: The Tourney's End

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Everyone watches on in awe as an enormous cloud of smoke stretches out for miles upon miles.

Sans chuckles as he shakes his head. He knew that those two were strong, but this is just on a whole other level.

To think that Sans was so far ahead of them when they first started going to Yuuei High, it's incredible how quickly the two of them had improved.

From next to Sans, Kyouka says, "Were those two always so strong?"

Sans replies by shaking his head.

"No, they weren't anywhere near this level of power."

The two of them stare up at the smoke with wide eyes. It's impossible to tear their eyes away from it. And so, they just continue to gaze at the thick smog formed from Katsuki's attack.

Now, there's just one question that hangs in the air.

King gulps before opening his mouth and going, "Who... who won?"

Everyone looks around, searching for someone that knows the answer to this question. No one among them steps up to answer.

Suddenly, Aizawa Sensei's phone lights up. He looks at the screen, seeing a poor quality recording of the sad remains of the arena.

Smoke floats into the air, clouding the view of the drone that managed to survive and continue to record.

However, the sight of two bodies can be noticed through the smog. One with ash blonde hair, and another with spiky red hair. Both of them are laying down at the bottom of a giant crater. Debris partially covers them, and their expressions aren't visible.

The light from the rising sun leaks into the crater, causing the blood soaked debris to glisten beautifully.

For a while, there's no sign of either fighter being conscious. However, after several minutes pass, one of them begins to move.

Katsuki's index finger twitches. Shortly after, his entire hand begins to move, furling up into a fist.

With a groan, Katsuki struggles to lift some remains of the arena off of himself. Then, he slowly pulls himself to his feet.

Panting heavily, he drags his feet towards Eijiro.

"Damn," Katsuki coughs, "it's hurts to even walk."

With every step, his legs buckle, threatening to give out underneath the pressure of his weight. With every breath, the taste of blood floods into his mouth, drowning all else.

With every passing second, Katsuki replays the battle in his mind. Is this it? Did he win?

As Katsuki approaches his friendly foe, he says, "Oi, shitty hair."

No answer.

"You alive down there?"

He comes right in front of his opponent, and is met with the sight of a peacefully sleeping Eijiro.

Katsuki then remembered what he said at the beginning of the tournament.

First place is going to be mine!

Katsuki did say those confident-- maybe even too confident-- words before, didn't he?

Well, it would appear that his confidence was well placed, because he kept his word and battled for first place with Eijiro, just barely coming out on top.


And so, Katsuki becomes the number one rookie hero in Japan.

Katsuki moves the debris off of Eijiro's body, and gently grabs ahold him. Lifting his friend over his shoulder, Katsuki begins to slowly climb out of the massive crater.

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