-- Season 3 -- Chapter 14: Plan in Motion

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Tonight is the night. Sans takes a deep breath and looks over to Jack. "Are you ready?" Jack nods and glances at Katsuki. Katsuki gives him a thumbs up. The three teammates grab their gear. Sans puts on his shoes, and Katsuki grabs his cape. Meanwhile Jack just eats an apple that he took from the cafeteria.

"Remember the plan." Aizawa says calmly. "The heroes will distract the villains while you three find and rescue Frisk. It's almost time to go."

Just before they leave, Sans feels someone tap his shoulder. He turns around and sees King. He seems to want to tell Sans something.

"What's up, King? Sans asks his friend. King sighs. "Is something wrong?"

"I'm coming with you." King says. "I'm friends with Frisk, too. It isn't fair if you leave me behind." Sans realizes that he didn't even consider King's feeling about saving Frisk. "Besides." King chuckles. "I think it's time I had some quality time with my father."

Sans nods. "Alright, why don't you join our group?" King nods. "Alright, it sounds like a plan."

"Thanks." King says with a smile. "It means a lot to me." Sans feels bad. He didn't think about King's feelings at all. He'll have to make it up to him somehow.

They leave Yuuei, making their way to the League of Villains base. If all goes well, they'll save Frisk and take some members of the league to prison, where they belong.

Sans asks Jack "Do you think we'll be able to save her?" Jack nods. "Well, that's reassuring." They arrive at the league's base, and wait to make their move.

In the hideout, the league members hear a knock at the door. "Pizza delivery." Ironically, they're doing the exact same thing that Jack did before. The villains sit there for a moment, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, All Might punches through the door.

Several heroes follow after All Might, and they quickly neutralize the villains. Most of the members of the Vanguard Action Squad are present. The only one that isn't is Muscular...

"Now!" Aizawa exclaims. Sans, Katsuki, Jack, and King all run past the heroes and villains, making their way into the deeper parts of the hideout. They enter a hallway, and run through it for what feels like forever. They can still here the echoes of the commotion going on behind them. Eventually, they come to a crossroads. Three separate paths. Each path is behind a veil of darkness, hiding whatever may be there from view.

Jack sighs. "We need to split up. I'll take the right path." He creates an orb of electricity, and walks away. Katsuki starts walking down the left path, using his explosions to light the way. Just before Sans and King go down the center path, they hear a voice from within the darkness.

"So, it seems that you've been doing well. I guess you really are better of without me. It's a shame... I would have enjoyed you and I working together." A tall man with a strong build walks out of the darkness. The scar over his left eye is a dead giveaway on the identity of this man. It's King's father, Muscular...

Muscular jumps towards King, slamming his fist into his son. King grits his teeth as he stumbles back. He raises his fists and chuckles. His muscle fibers rip out of his skin, and he prepares to fight with his father, who does the same.

"Hey Sans, you go ahead. I'll deal with him." Sans nods, and runs into the center path. "It's just you and me. Time to have some quality father and son time." King grins. He's been waiting for this moment for quite some time.

Muscular cracks his neck. "Let's just get your ass whooping over with." He punches King in the side, slamming him into the wall. King quickly recovers, and retaliates with an jab to the gut.

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