-- Season 3 -- Chapter 30: Other Level

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"Let go," Gang Orca demands. He glares at ERROR and lightly tugs at his cables. Nothing. The cables don't budge.

ERROR lets out a chuckle before saying, "i DoN't FeEL lIke It." He makes the cables tighten, before moving them to cover up Gang Orca's chest. He smiles while staring at the large man.


ERROR suddenly uses his cables to lift Gang Orca into the air. With an excited glint in his eyes, he swings Gang Orca around, occasionally slamming him into the ground.

Gang Orca is surprised, to say the least. He wasn't expecting to face somebody this powerful when he came here. 'This must be that Comic kid that I heard about...' he thinks. 'No, his appearance isn't the way it normally is in the pictures. This is definitely one of his alter egos.'

After several minutes of constantly getting slammed into the ground, Gang Orca says, "I don't know anything about this guy's quirk. I need to be careful." He grabs the cables and tugs forward, this time putting more power into it. He launches forward, coming face to face with ERROR. He pulls back his head, before headbutting ERROR as hard as he can.

"UgH," ERROR groans as his cables loosen. Gang Orca takes this moment to turn the tables, slamming ERROR into the ground. "SO aNnoYiNG..."

Gang Orca chuckles, saying, "You need to hold back, don't you?" ERROR's eyes shake as Gang Orca says, "If the civilians weren't in the picture, you wouldn't have to do that. However, you can't go all out because they are present."

"ShuT up!" ERROR screams. He tries to get back in control of the fight, but Gang Orca doesn't give him any opening to do so. "DamN IT..."

After awhile, ERROR finds his moment to take over. Gang Orca swung him a little bit too far, and now ERROR has a chance to take advantage of that. Since he's further away, Gang Orca doesn't have as much control. ERROR summons a black Gaster Blaster, and attacks the human-like orca. The cables are released from Gang Orca's grasp, and ERROR gets a moment to regain his wits.

"Is thaT... BloOd?" ERROR asks as a red liquid drips from his eyes, falling to the ground. "ShIt," he says with grit teeth. He looks up, and his vision is tainted red. "It loOks lIKe I-I-Iii-I ovE-e-erused my quirk." He says, "I need to finish this quickly."

ERROR summons a Gaster Blaster and jumps on it. He starts to ride it all the way to Gang Orca. Once he reaches the volunteer villain, he leaps off of his blaster, which releases the built up energy, landing a direct hit on Gang Orca.

Gang Orca recovers quickly, and tries to land a punch on ERROR. ERROR glitches, teleporting out of his enemy's reach. Several bones suddenly appear in the air. ERROR makes them zoom downwards, peircing through Gang Orca's thighs.

"Arggh!" Gang Orca grunts and he falls to his knees.

ERROR smiles, saying, "LeT'S Fin-n-nNish ThIS..." He summons another Gaster Blaster and aims it at Gang Orca. "IT's tiMe fOR thE nExT RoUnd tO BEGiN."

Right before it fires, Gang Orca lunges forward and grabs for the Gaster Blaster. He grips it's mouth, and pushes the jaw of the blaster closed. The energy continues to build up, and eventually the blaster explodes. A large veil of smoke is formed, which Gang Orca uses to hide in while he struggles to get back to his feet.

While this is happening, Stein and his teammate finish taking out Gang Orca's henchmen. They look in the direction of the smoke and sigh.

"There's no need for us to engage, Hinato," Stein says to his teammate.

"Agreed," Hinato says in a femine voice. They lick up the blood that drips from their lip, smiling in satisfaction.

Suddenly, several students from Yuuei move past them. Kyouka, Mina, Fumikage, and Shouto are moving quickly, trying to make their way to the battlefield. Following closely behind them is Inasa, who instead of walking, decides to use his quirk to fly.

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