-- Season 4 -- Chapter 8: Storm Revival

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Jack and Stein rushed towards one another over and over again. Every time their fists clashed, a powerful shockwave of air and lightning pushed them back.

With his wings, Stein was able to easily maneuver around the buildings all around him. Jack, on the other hand, had to try his best to avoid slamming into the sides of buildings everytime he was sent back by a shockwave.

Their fists collided once more, and they were flung into opposite directions. Jack grit his teeth as he went face first through a wall to what must have been an apartment complex. On the other side of that wall he landed on a desk, which broke upon impact.

Jack stood up, rubbing his head and groaning.

‘This isn’t working for me…’ Jack thought as he walked back to the hole in the wall, ignoring the trembling woman staring at him from the other side of the room. ‘I could use more power, but I’m unsure if I want to risk it…’

Jack leaped out the building, kicking with enough power to fly straight towards Stein. With an excited grin, Jack began to generate an orb of electricity in his palm.

Stein didn’t hesitate and charged to meet Jack in the air. Regardless of what it was that he was planning, Stein was confident that he could handle it.

“I’ve been wanting to find an opportunity to test this out for a while now!” Jack exclaimed as the orb began to change shape, stretching out and zigzagging. When it was done shifting, Jack was holding a lightning bolt in his hands.

Pulling his arm back, Jack threw that bolt straight towards Stein. The air around it hissed from the heat, and Stein’s eyes trembled for a moment. He wasn’t expecting a long range attack.

“Zeus’s Bolt!” Jack yelled as the electricity became more intense, becoming bright enough to light up the entire city.

Stein realized too late that the bolt would be too much for him to casually take a hit from. He didn’t have enough time to dodge, so he had to brace himself for impact.

A streak of crackling electricity struck Stein’s body, causing his wings and flesh to almost immediately sizzle and burn. Stein glanced at his wings, which were about to fail him.

As they completely burned away, Stein began to fall down to the ground. He scoffed, stretching out his arms and grabbing onto a nearby building. He began to contract his arms, moving towards that building.

Once he got there, Stein looked down at his own body. Swelled up lumps of meat and still sizzling flesh clung to him. His wings were reduced to goop and there was a hole almost completely through his chest.

Anyone that was normal would’ve died from being in a condition like this, but Stein wasn’t an average Joe. Unlike most people, he had regeneration. The sizzling stopped and the lumps went down. Stein’s chest regained its lost mass and his wings regrew. Stein was back to full capacity just like that. However…

“Did you really think that you could keep up with me?” Jack said, taunting Stein. After suddenly appearing right in front of them, Jack took note of Stein’s newly regenerated body. With a grin, he said, “All of that regenerating for nothing. Such a shame.”

Before Stein could do anything, Jack punched his jaw with an electrically backed punch. He was pushed right into the building he was holding onto, flying straight through it and plowing through several others. Stein tried to grab onto something to stop himself– or at least slow down. But he wasn’t able to get a grip on anything. He was moving too fast.

His skin was tearing and his eyes were burning, but he didn’t back down. Forcing his aching arms to continue clawing for anything to grab onto, Stein kept trying his best to stop himself. Blood was in the air around him. Whether it was from him or from poor civilians that just so happened to be caught in the path of destruction, Stein didn’t know.

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