☆Dear Diary...☆

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((This is my one and only warning, I don't hold back with my writing, and I also like to add some pizazz, whether good or bad. I also may not go exactly like the story goes, but suck it bitch, its my story. Yes, this story is meant for older audiences. Yes, they are teenagers, but being a teenager myself, I know exactly what teenagers do. Some things are inappropriate. Of course I may be nice, and leave little warnings before things, but I am not so nice all the time. I'm pretty sure this is why everyone calls me confusing, oh well. Call me El Diablo if you'd feel the need. Have a nice day, 👹👹HÆÆÆ 👹👹))

(Y/n) opens her new diary, feeling the smooth pages. Her (mom/dad) had gotten this for her as an apology after the recent new event that will be occurring. It's been the middle of summer, 4th of July ending rather quickly, and she's already wanting to not be at her house. Her parent(s) had just revealed that they were moving. In a week, none the less. What horrible timing. She can't even say goodbye to her friends she had made, since they not only are out of reach from her to just walk over, but she also doesn't quite have a phone right now. Her last one broke, and she doesn't have the time to get a new one just yet. She opens her diary, grabbing her new sparkly (f/c) pen, a fake diamond on the top, with fuzz surrounding the diamond  that matches the rest of the pen. The small things to make her happy. She begins writing...

☆Dear Diary, I'm new to you, so let me introduce myself before I begin my statements. I am (Y/N) (L/N) of America, but soon of Japan. I tell people im quirkless, when in all reality, i do have one, but i wont say it just yet...i have learned the art of magic though, which helps me a lot. I am 15, with (s/c), (freckles/no freckles), (e/c), (h/l/c), and I am (height), weighing (weight). This may be weirder, but this will help me with my clothing shopping whenever i need to go get clothes. My cup size, dare I say it, is (cup/s), and my buttocks size is (booty size) Writing my description partially helps me in the future, that's mainly why I'm putting this down. I'm kind of glad there's a lock on this book...☆

She glances on the front the book, and the side, with a lock attached to it in the shape of (f/a) ((Favorite Animal)). A key with a matching shape. She put the key on her necklace earlier, glancing at it as well. She let out a soft sigh, going back to writing.

☆Anyways, now that that's settled. I suppose your wondering why your being used as an apology gift. Well, I'm moving to Japan. Most would be ecstatic, but I don't want to leave home. My heart, and soul is here, I can't exactly just up and leave it. Then again, I've tried and tried, and they just won't change their mind. They had the audacity to buy me a stupid book as an apology. I'm sorry, you're not stupid, you're a book, you don't deserve such harsh words. I'm just upset, and I suppose my hormonal changes arent helping that fact either. On top of all that, we have not only a week, but the household is splitting apart during this. My closest family being the only ones moving to Japan. My current household consists of me, my younger sibling, my two (bio/adopted) parents, my grandpa on (moms/dads) side, and my two aunts. Soon, it's only going to be my parents, and my sibling with me. One of my constantly drunken, and high aunts are moving in with their toxic boyfriend. My other constantly drunk and high aunt is moving into an apartment, and as for my grandfather...he might as well live in the bar, since he's always there. I'm actually not sure what he's doing. They are part of the reason we are moving, since it's only been toxicity and narcissism under this roof of ours, and my parents believe it's unsafe for me and my sibling. While I agree, I am also used to this, since it's all I've known all my life. Being raised by my oldest aunt for my first 4 years of my life, while my (mom/dad) works their ass at McDonald's, and my (other mom/dad) fights addiction to pain killers, since they made them so much more mean. They are off those pain killers now though, and are a lot happier after getting into meditation. None the less, I was never abused. Well...physically. Mental abuse is my normal, since I constantly live through lies, and pain. My family is not so normal, but they kind of are in a way. People tell me I live in a normal, happy, perfect life because I have family who loves me, supports me, and I live in a nice home. Well...no home is perfect. Or normal. And that's the normal for all families. It doesnt make sense to most, but it does to me. There's always something behind those walls. Yes, my family loves me, and they never hurt me, or my sister on purpose. But I also live in a household that's full of empty truth, and pain holds these walls up. Do you know what it's like to be betrayed by your own blood? Like my aunts, and my grandfather have to me? Well, you're a book, of course you don't, but...it's alright. I always smile in the end. I suppose this is why people say I'm confusing...it's alright. If I understand, that's all I really need. I think...I guess there's some good into moving to Japan. I love my dear friends, but this may be a great new start. Or a horrible one. My heart tells me to think more positive...so long dear diary, I'll write quite soon.☆

And with that, she closes her new diary, officially marking it as hers with her symbol she made for herself, and closes the book. She locks the lock, slipping it into the little slot she's made on the mattress, without telling anyone. If they knew, it's not so secret. She even made it a secret zipper, making it look like it was supposed to be there in case they do find it. Her aunts were very nosey, so sneaking things was something she had learned to do, and quite well at that. She put her pen with it, putting the key to the diary on her necklace, and zipping the slot up, covering it with her sheet. She conjured up a little magic, and put a spell on her necklace, making sure it would not break, and would not come off if someone tried to unclip her necklace unless she took the spell off herself. Her magic has gotten quite powerful. She can do a lot with her magic, which is a good thing in her eyes.

"(Y/n), it's time for dinner!" A familiar bubbly voice peeped through her door, smiling like the sun. Bouncing up and down looking like a basketball on the court. Her sibling, (Si/N).
She smiled softly, looking to her bubbly mini version of what she once was, and nodded. "I'm coming, sweetheart, I'm coming." She said with a giggle, and sent a silly face to her sibling, who giggled and ran back out the door, going to the dinner table. She smiled softly to herself, getting up, and walking to the door. She took another glance at her room, before turning off the light to her room, and closing the door, putting a smile on her face. She felt it as a necessity when she was going to any of her family. She made her way to the kitchen, a smile on her face, as she greeted her family. This was the last week of her having to be with the narcissistic trio you call family. She was sad since she loves them, but glad. Maybe this means less pain. The only people who really cared about her under this specific roof, was her parents, and her sister. Well, the drunk trio cares, but apparently not enough. They made that quite clear.

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