●Moving Day●

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The dreadful week has passed. If only it was school, it would have gone by a little bit slower. It was time to kill her old self, bringing on her new self. The same self that she was before she transformed into her old self. Shy.

She didn't see it as shy, but more like silently observant. The only reason she made friends here is because they came to her, and befriended her. Anyways, for the Japan preparation, she learned Japanese. Yes, learned the entire thing in a week. Okay, she may have used a little bit of a remembrance spell to give her some knowledge and remember what she's learned, but shhhh, no one needs to know that. It's not necessarily cheating since it's not a test either. She smiled to herself, sometimes speaking out loud to herself in Japanese when she was around the trouble trio. The only people who understood what she said were her parents, and her sister, sort of. They are still working on it. She's also learned sign language, since she found helpful, and so interesting. It's way more expressive than with speaking languages. If it makes sense, sigh language speaks more than words ever will. Like action she supposes. If actions speak louder than words, then it makes sense, since you use actions to make words. It's also way better when you learn about the orgins of sign language, such as the deaf community. They make so much more sense of the world than the hearing do. It's odd, but it also makes sense. They have hardships that teach them more, and she admires that. They go through something that most people see as handicap, and degrade them for it, but from their perspective, it's more of a blessing. It's wonderful actually. Anyways, we've gone astray. She's a bit sad that she must go, but this has awakened her a bit into realizing this can be used as a beginning. They've already packed, and are at the airport. The trouble trio waves goodbye with smiled on their faces, but she knew that they might not mean it. They do care, but if anything, this might just be another problem out of their way ti them. Oh well. The flight leaves in 30 minutes, and the family of 4 hurry to their plane. Time goes by faster at the airport. Or so it seemed at least, especially when in a rush. Eventually, they made it, panting slightly, and sweating, since they kind of ran, trying to make the flight on time. They sat in their seats calmly, and happily. Her (mom/dad) bought her a phone earlier in the week, since she finally opened up and explained that she wanted a new one. It took some convincing, but it happened in the end. She even gathered some contacts, yes, even the trouble trio in her family. She can't help it, she loves then despite their flaws. They take off, just as everyone finishes putting their seatbelts on. The lady who works on the flight seemed nice, but her voice sounded like a squeaky version of a whore, and her aura set off all internal alarms. The niceness was all an act, and she could tell. Better watch out for that one, she told herself. Her (M/D) slightly nudged her arm, the teen turning her head to look at them. They had a small smile on their face, and a soft tone to their voice.

"(Y/n), remember when you were younger, and you saw all might on the screen? How you jumped up, bubbly and all, and said you wanted to be a hero like him?" They had it all over their face, that there was more, so she nodded to let them continue. (M/D) too notice, and continued. "Well, you are going into high school now, and I was looking into the schools in Japan just for you, when I discovered a school called 'UA'. I figured, maybe, if you were up to it, that maybe you could go there." They said with a smile. She thought for a moment, studying their feautures."Go on...? I can tell there is more to this...?" She said softly. (M/D) took a hesitant breath. They didn't exactly want their precious girl going into Hero work, but they loved her enough to let her if she wanted to. They spoke up. "It's a Hero school, honey. I know you've wanted to always go to one, but America didn't exactly have a proper one. But, since we are moving here, maybe you'd like to go...and we are moving just in time, since the exams start soon just to enter this school." They explained with a soft smile. Their smile brightened, as her smile grew as well. "Wait....really?! Really?! Oh my goodness, this would make this so much better! May I go?! Pretty please?!" She asked with a bright smile. Her (M/D) smiled gently, and nodded. "Yes, but if you go, you have to promise me you'll stay extra safe! You know how worried me and your (other m/d) gets!" * They said, getting the attention of your other parent. She smiled, nodding with a bright smile. "Yes, of course! UA, here I come! Oh, lovely day!" She said, smiling brightly, hugging her (m/d) and sitting back. She began writing in her diary about this joyous moment, not wanting to forget about when she learned about a high school called UA.

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