♡Time Flies♡

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☆Dear Diary, I don't have much to say sadly, but hey! It's alright! All I have to say is it's going great! I've been accepted into UA, my family is finally happier, my (m/d) has gotten a job at a nearby cafe, right by my school actually. (Other m/d) has also gotten a somewhat job? They weld a lot, and it makes them happy, building things and such. Other people have taken notice, and are paying them to do things! So it's kind of like a job. My sister has a school nearby as well. We chose the right house, since everything's nearby. I think that's a good thing. School starts today, and I'm writing this at like...3 in the morning? Why am I up right now you ask? I usually have to calculate how long it'll take me to get ready before school, to make sure I'm not late. I also not only got a random spur of energy, but I forgot to wash my uniform for school. They bring it clean, but I'm weird enough to where if it doesn't have my scent, then I won't wear it. Or unless I'm used to the scent. So, bye diary! Today should be fun, I hope!☆

I put the diary down on my desk, making sure I have everything I need. Or at least what I need, and a couple things I want. I have my notebooks for notes, plus my drawing notebook. I have my pens, pencils, erasers, and my small crystal pendent. I put a spell on it for good luck when I was young, and I never leave without it. I have my textbooks I received through the mail along with my uniform. I'm not too happy about the skirt, but it's alright. The uniform just finished washing. I might have put my own little touch on it as well, to make it a little bit different from the other uniforms. On the bottom left hem of the skirt in the front, I put three really small gold hoops on it, and gold rings through those hoops. Small (f/c) crystals dangling from the gold rings. Its a nice touch, and it matches my (f/c) (f/a) (beanie/cap). I'm happy about that. On my red tie, I did the same thing on the bottom, except it's only one hoop, with a gold ring, and crystal dangling from the ring. I like keeping crystals on me at all times, since it increases my luck, and power when using magic. It also makes me happy. Don't worry though, I got permission from the school, and I was allowed to alter the uniform a little bit, as long as I didn't change the thing completely. I'm crazy, but not that crazy. I slipped on my skirt, looking at myself in the mirror. "Jesus, that's short...American schools would never approve ..." I slipped on my underwear, and took a precaution by putting on black shorts underneath. It's a rule I had as a kid, always wear shorts under skirts and dresses. I'm kind of glad about that. I put on my bra, and slipped on my button up shirt, buttoning it up, but not all the way. I wanted to breath at least a bit. I put on my tie, tying it better than most females could ever. It's kind of a flex. I slipped on my jacket, admiring the way the jacket feels. It's smooth, and it looks good. Plus, after the good ol' washing machine, it smells like me. Today should be a good day, I hope. I slipped on my (f/c) socks, perfect length for me, and slipped on my (shoe choice). I adjusted my (beanie/cap) a bit, making sure I look nice as well. I looked in the mirror, smiling to myself. "I look better than usual...it should hopefully be a good day." I went to the kitchen, thankfully nobody up yet. I decided to make breakfast for the family, since it's not too much. I like doing small things like that for the family. I made some toast, some eggs, and some breakfast ham. Breakfast ham usually takes way too long, but with a little magic, it's done rather quickly. A quick, and efficient way to cook. I finished making breakfast after about 6 minutes, and smiled to myself the whole time. I made me a small plate, setting it on the counter, and putting the rest up for the family to find and eat later. I finished my plate of food rather quickly, the time going just as fast. It seemed 20 minutes ago, it was 3 am, and now it's 6. Time flies, they say. Then again, I might have been scrolling through my phone too long while eating breakfast. I take my toast, putting it in my mouth, and putting my plate in the sink. I made sure to rinse the plate off as well, don't worry. I was out the door, before anyone knew I was awake. Good thing, I can't get caught in a conversation ij the morning. I used my magic to levitate to school, listening to my favorite song through my earbuds. I softly mumbled the words to myself, being careful not to sing them too loud. I don't want anyone to hear. It can happen, even when your levitating in the sky. After a little bit, I had the school in view. UA. Kids around your age already inhabiting the front of the school, either talking to each other, or minding themselves. It was a bit early, so I was surprised at the fact so many kids were there. It seemed I was noticed though, seeing as a few eyes were on my, a few mouths dropping. I even looked behind, and around me to make sure it wasn't me, but sadly, nothing. It was me. I was a bit nervous, and used my magic, swaying my arm in a semi circle to go invisble. They seemed even more surprised, and I just shrugged it off. They can't see me now. I levitate to the ground, deactivating the spell, and sit against the wall. People noticed my sudden appearance, taking note that I was just in the sky, as they looked to where I was, and to where I am. It's awkward. I just scrolled through my phone, listening to my music a bit more, before it was time to go. Once it was time, I turned off my music, and put everything in my bag, walking through the halls, looking for my specific class. I was supposed to be class 1-A, so I'm looking for that, now I know. I walk through the halls for what seemed like forever, before I make it to rather large doors. It was kind of unnecessary for the doors to be so large in my opinion, but oh well. I gently push open the door, suddenly seeing faces turn to the door. My nerves rose up once more.

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