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Well, after working long and hard, and going through the physical exam, as well as the written. The letter has arrived. I decided that I didn't want to go through the letter, and have my parents deal with the letter, telling me the news. I'm not sure what was on tthe letter. It's been a couple of minutes, and they still haven't arrived yet. Well, I guess I'll just lay down, awaiting my response. I laid down, face in my pillow shaped like a (f/a) head. My favorite pillow, ever since I got it when I was younger. I then heard footsteps, footsteps, and then my door opening, and creaking. I immediately knew the answer, since (Si/n) hopped onto my bed with the hugest smile, hugging me as if there was no tomorrow. My parents had a softer smile, holding the opened letter. They didn't have to say a word. I smiled softly, and nodded.

"We're so proud of you, baby. I'm so happy your pursuing your dreams." (M/d) said softly, hugging onto their partners are with a soft smile. "I'm glad too, (mama/papa). Thank you for my opportunity, I wouldn't have been able to do this without your permission..." I said softly, smiling happily. They smiled back, a little nod. I then grabbed my bag, pulling out my wallet. "Celebration ice cream...?" My sibling jumped up at the idea, bouncing happily. "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Pleaseeee?!" My parents just chuckled, and smiled. "We're burnt out on sweets, but if you'd like, you can go take your (sister/brother) out for some?" (Other m/d) said. My (s/b) looked at me, hope gleaming in their eyes, as I smiled, and nodded. My parents just smiled, leaving the room. (Si/n) and I got ready to go, waving bye, as we went out. I learned about the place a bit since I was here, so I fairly know where I'm going. I looked at (Si/n) for a second, before smiling, and whipping up a levitation spell for the both of you. (Si/n) let out a surprised noise, before giggling, and smiling. You outstretched your hand to them, as they took it graciously. "We're flying!" They cheered with a bright bubbly smile. A few eyes were on us, but right now, my happiness blinded me from how happy my sister was. We levitate for a little, before landing at the ice cream shop. "Yayyy!" They yelled happily. The two of you walk into the ice cream store, a yummy treat in mind. Red eyes followed your figure, and your siblings with interest, sitting at a booth with his own family. You were new to town, and he could tell.

"What would you like?" The kind ice cream lady asked with a bright smile, mainly asking your (Si/n) first, which I was happy about, since they never ask the child first in America. "I would like...(f/ic) please!" (Si/n) says with a smile. They know that's my favorite flavor, so they usually get it when we get ice cream. They always tell me they get the things they get just like me, because they look up to me. I'm all they really have, if you think about it. In the past, present, and future. There's many things that tie into that, but it's alright. That's a discussion with myself for later. The nice lady types that into the order computer, and smiled to me, as I answered that I wanted the same thing. (Si/n) and I thanked the kind lady, sitting in a booth by a window. "This is so much fun, (Y/n)! Who knew Japan was full of so many awesome things!" (Si/n) said with a smile. "I know right...? I kinda miss home, but...I think I'm gonna like it here. I'm glad you like it here too..." I responded with a soft smile, at the beaming child. It was a fun and small conversation the two had, as they waited for their order. One being patient, and the other, not so much, but its alright. The red eyes continued watching from his area. His family was there, and they were making conversation, but he was more focused on the two. He had a feeling in his gut that he was gonna meet her later. 'Who the hell is that anyways...? She's interesting...why am I even thinking about some random girl who just walked in with her damn sibling? What the hell is going on today...whatever, I got into UA, it's not like it's going to matter later...' His thoughts racked up, making his mind swirl, until he just changed the subject best he could. The ice cream arrived, and he seen that the siblings nearly beamed as they looked at it. It wasn't surprising for the younger sibling, but the older sibling...he kind of didn't expect the beaming, and more so thought she'd just smile. He watched as they both took one bite of the ice cream. If it wasn't obvious before that they are both siblings, then what they did sure placed that thought. They both let out a sigh, eating their ice cream happily. Even slightly wiggling in their own seats. He chuckled softly at that, since he never seen anyone do that before. "Son, what are you laughing about...?" His father interrupted his thoughts, both his mom and dad looking at him a but confused. He looked at them, and just waved his hand, growling slightly. "Nothing..." His parents could tell it wasn't nothing, but decided not to pry. Or at least his father didn't. His mother, being how she is, looked behind them, noticing the siblings, and then looked back smirking. She raspily whisper yelled. "You checking that girl out..?"  His red eyes widened at that, and he whisper yelled back. "Hell no! I ain't got time for stupid fucking love, when I'm well on my way to being the goddamn No.1 hero!" He said, pointing at his mom with a scowl. Her scowl met his, and she growled, whisper yelling back a little louder. "Shut up you stupid brat! If anything, you need a goddamn woman to keep you at fucking bay!" She said, before sitting back, and finishing her food with a smile, and pretending nothing happened. His father sighed, finishing his meal as well. The red eyed boy growled lowly, leaning back, and crossing his arms. He was already well finished with his food. Eventually, both the family, and the siblings left the ice cream shop, both with filled stomachs. They both went opposite directions, going home as the day began fading.

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