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With the weight lifting, it was easy, I just casted a small quick spell, making it levitate. Illusions work too, you know? I may not have picked it up, but if it looks like it, you pass. With the race, they didn't say teleportation wasn't allowed, so a little magic, and poof, I'm at the finish line. For a couple of the tests, it was troublesome. It was okay in the end though. The one that impressed you the most though, was the softball throw.
"(Y/n), please come up here, and throw." I simply nodded at Aizawas statement, and walked up, gently taking the ball from him. He told me where to stand, and I nodded. I took a small, deep breath, before putting a more difficult spell on it. I then chucked the ball. The machine went up, and up, and high in numbers. But...then it went down in numbers. I turned around just in time, catching the ball in my hand. Everyone stood in shock, and the machine read zero, even though they just watched me through it. The teacher stood with wide eyes as well. I stared at the ball blankly in my hands, before turning slowly. "I...don't know how I did that..." I said in a really soft voice, eyes wide with surprise as well. Aizawa looked at the ball, then to the machine, and then to you. "Well...I think the only explanation we have to that is you threw it so well, it stayed in the atmosphere, and went...around the world. Back to you." He said, almost like he couldn't believe it. "I...guess so..." I said quietly, looking back to the ball. "Like a boomerang effect, but...different..." Suddenly, I heard almost all of the class boom into loud conversation. "That was so awesome!" "That's impressive!" And even the brown haired girl looked at you with shock. You looked back at her. You both threw best in class it seems. Bakugou didn't seem too thrilled though. "HOW THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?! WHAT'S YOUR QUIRK?! THERES NO WAY YOU DID THAT!!!" He boomed loud and clear. Everyone seemed interested in k owing what your quirk was though. For now, that remains secret. I started fiddling with my thumbs, looking down. "I-I um...am...quirkless...but-" "There's no way your quirkless and threw that!" Mina interjected, people beginning to interrupt, but thankfully Aizawa silenced them, knowing I had more to say. "Being quirkless...I...looked into the art of magic, and learned it...so I could fit in a bit better..." I explained. Half being a lie. People made fun of me, so I learned magic and decided to use magic instead of my quirk to fit in better. Some of the girls awed, and ran over. "That's so sad! You had to learn magic just to fit in? Magic is still amazing though!" The girl with brown hair and brown eyes said, hugging tightly. The other girls speaking. Aizawa noticed I was uncomfortable, but before he did a thing, someone grabbed my arm, pulling me from the girl hug. "Back off, your making her uncomfortable, you idiots..." Surprisingly, Bakugou was the one who saved you from that. I heard apologies, before Aizawa spoke again. "Now that that is settled, go change into your uniforms again, your next class is starting." And with that, everyone was walking away. "You can...let go of my wrist now..." I said quietly, not wanting to disturb him, but let him know. He looked at his hand, that was gripping my wrist, before letting go, huffing, and walking away. I decided that it was best to leave it at that, and I'd thank him later. I walked to the girls' room, and began changing into uniform again. I sighed with a smile, happy I could wear my (beanie/cap) again, in case I had to hide my eyes. I finished changing, going back to class. Mina and who I learned was Uraraka led me down the hallway, deciding to befriend me. I didn't mind, but I wasn't sure how to feel, since I'm not really used to being surrounded by outgoing people. My friend group in America was never this outgoing. They were discussing about TikTok, and you couldn't help bit sweat a bit. TikTok seemed to always come into your life, and you wanted it out for the time being. Why? TikTok is where I posted videos ever since my younger days, and it was leaked to my old school. I was teased for at least 2 months. Mina and Uraraka seemed happy about it. Later, you'd have to create a new account, and hide that old one, just to be safe. I don't want to be laughed at again. "(Y/n), whatcha thinking about?" Urarakas voice cut your thoughts. "Just what class will be next..." I said with a soft smile, hoping they'll buy it. They seemed to, since they smiled. "I think it's English?" Mina said, Uraraka shrugging. "English...? I think that will be my easiest class yet..." I mumbled to myself, the othe4 two girls nodding, since they knew that you were from America. The three of us make it to class, opening the door. I was surprised when I noticed the same faces that were in my last class. "You guys don't do switch ups...? Like where every class, it's a different set of students...?" I asked softly, yet confused. Mina looked at you. "No, we don't do that. That's what you had to do in America...?" I simply nodded at her question. This was something new. "You know that we're in a specific course, right? The hero course? While there's other courses, like general courses, and such?" Uraraka asked with a soft smile, wondering if you know. "No, I didn't actually...I forgot that not all schools are the same, so this is new to me.." I answered softly, walking to my seat. Mina and Uraraka nodded, going to their seats as well. The yellow haired guy who spoke before the exams walked in. "Heelllooo class! English, here we go!" He seemed like a DJ kind of guy. Like Alan Walker, or DJ Khalid. "So, which one of you would like to try and write this sentence, but in English?" He asked loud and clear, looking to the sentence written in Japanese on the board and then the students. Since nobody else would, I rose my hand slowly. "You there, with the cool hat! Come on up! Let's see what you got!" The class watched, as I walked up to the board. The only difficulty I had was reading Japanese, and even that wasn't so bad. I wrote down the sentence rather quickly, Jaws dropping, as I turned around, and handed the chalk back to the teacher. He seemed surprised, but smiled. "Correct! You can go sit down now!" He said with a smile. I simply responded with a nod, and walked back to my seat. A blonde with a black lightning bolt in his hair beamed. "How'd you know that? Thats super cool! How many languages do you know?" He beamed. Mina made the attention a little worse. "She's from America! She's really cool!" Most of the classes jaw dropped, learning this new information. Why do they keep getting surprised that much? It's kind of awkward..."I...know a few languages..." I said, not exactly being specific. Everyone was silent for a second, before the blonde with a black lightning bolt in his hair yelled. "DO YOU EVEN HAVE LIMITS?!?!"

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