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My nerves swirled around inside me like cocoa powder in a hot cup of water, being mixed into hot cocoa. I felt like hot cocoa. It's surprising how I'm not sweating right now. Not yet, at least. I walk in quietly, looking around for an empty seat. I'm unsure of what seat are taken and all, so this might be difficult. "Just take a seat in the back corner by the window." Or not. I nod, not bothering to look at the person, assuming it's my teacher. I took a seat in the spot where I was told to sit and look to the front at the teacher. "Hello, I'm your homeroom teacher, Mr. Aizawa, and I expect you all to be on your best behavior." I heard mumbling from across the room, recognizing it as the green haired boy who was pointed out by the indigo haired boy and as the boy who punched the 0 pointer. He mumbled something about our homeroom teacher being 'Erasure Head', his quirk being something. It could deactivate quirks if he looked at you. That's good to know for future reference. "Midoryia, please stop mumbling, and let me continue." So Midoryia is his name. Noted. "As I was saying,  we are going to start training immediately -" "What about UAs welcoming ceremony? Aren't we supposed to go?" A red-headed boy interjects. A few people agreeing with his statement. He might need to change his attitude a bit, since when being a hero, they can't always celebrate. Which is a point my teacher brings up rather quickly. "When you're a hero, you don't always get to go to fancy parties or anything like that. You gotta work hard, and if you want to go to some stupid party instead of doing hero work, you might as well leave." Almost everyone seemed to sweatdrop at his blunt statement but stayed quiet. "I expect you on the training field in 10 minutes." He said before handing out gym uniforms. I sighed, knowing it's not going to smell like me, but if I'm going to be a hero, I shouldn't let small things like that bother me.  I take the uniform, following behind the girls, since they most likely know where they are going, better than I do. We all make it to the girls' room, beginning to change out of our uniforms. The girls are introducing themselves to each other as they change. After finally slipping gym pants on, the pink girl I recognize from the exam jumps in front of me rather loudly. She's only wearing her undergarments. My face went a bit red, trying to keep my eyes on her eyes instead of anything else, which is actually quite hard when they are right in front of you. "HI! I'm Mina Ashido, but you can call me Mina! What's your name? I also like your hat. It's so cute!" She beamed, struggling to put her pants on. "I...am (Y/n)...(Y/n) (L/n)." I said rather quietly, kind of nervous from the awkward situation, and trying to put on my (t-shirt/tank top). "I love your name! It's so nice! Where are you from?" She asked, slipping on her tank top with ease and beginning to put on her gym jacket. "Um...America..." I said rather quietly, causing everyone in the room to shut their mouth, turning to me. The sudden attention caught me by surprise, my face heating up a bit, as I slipped on my jacket. Suddenly, they all start bursting into conversations and questions, talking to me. "You are from America?" "What are you doing in Japan?" "When did you move here?" And so many other questions. I looked around a bit frantically, wide-eyed, trying to get out of the situation. I understood why they asked, since its not often you meet an American who moved countries. It's still quite awkward, though. They kept asking questions, and it was too much, so I just bolted out of the room once I had my clothes and shoes on. The girls looked at each other. Mina looked to the brown haired girl and back to the door. "Too much?" Mina asked. The rest of the girls responded. "Too much." I ran out, being one of the first girls done. I stood by a few of the guys out there, waiting for class to start. The red-headed boy from earlier silently tapped me on the shoulder, introducing himself a bit calmer, but still had Mina energy and tone. "I'm Eljiro Kirishima! What's your name?" I silently looked to the ground before looking at him. "(Y/n)...(Y/n) (L/n)..." I spoke softly. He nodded and smiled. "I like your name! I also wanted to say that I saw your uniform earlier, and I like the small gold hoops you put on it! It looked really cool!" I smiled softly, replying a little louder than before, but still a gentle tone. "Thank you...that's very kind of you..." He smiled and nodded. "No problem!"  Before he could continue, the teacher gathered everyone's attention, now that everyone was here. "First things first. Bakugou, what was your score for softball throw?" Everyone turned to see who Bakugou was, looking at an ash blonde with ruby red eyes. I recognized him from the exam. I stared at him too long, zoning out as I stared into his eyes, not even hearing what his old score was. I looked back to the teacher, who was holding a ball out to him. "Come throw again, this time though, use your quirk." Bakugou, as you learned who that guy with the pretty red eyes is, shrugged, walking to the front and snatching the ball from Aizawa. Bakugou walked to where Aizawa had told him to go, preparing to throw. "Give it your all." Bakugou nodded, as Aizawa told him that. He pulled the ball behind him, and smoke was seen coming from his hands. Everyone watched, as his ball was slung forward, a loud explosion coming from his hand, followed by a loud- "DIIEEEEEEEE!!!" Not too practical, but if it helps. Everyone seemed to sweatdrop from his choice of words, but oh well. The robot spoke, telling everyone just how much length he got. I didn't pay attention, and more so just stared at his eyes, and his hand. Explosion is the guys quirk...? Well, it kind of makes sense... He's got an interesting quirk. One that people would probably die for. It's flashy, and efficient. His eyes display his life. Misunderstanding, confidence, hard-working, pain, and a bit more. I could read him like a magazine. Just like everyone else, their eyes tell their story. They say the eyes is the window to the soul after all. He's got a rare one. Eventually, he explained to the class that they would be doing multiple tests, and whoever was last would be expelled. I held my laugh, since that doesn't sound right. You can't just expel someone just because they came in last place. If anything, they'd be moved down a class. It was just another school tactic. I'll still give my all anyways though. Even if I seem a little shy, I'm not afraid to do my best.

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