♧New Beginning♧

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☆Dear Diary, back again with new things. We have landed, and just finished unpacking our things. I got first pick on my room, and I chose the one furthest from the staircase upstairs. What's funny is that's the only room up there. Upstairs, there were four doors. The first one on the left being a bathroom, and the first one on the right being a giant closet/storage unit. It also leads to the attic, which I snuck up to, discovering that it's quite scary up there. I like scary, but that was too much. I guess I've been watching too many horror movies, but then again, all they had on the plane were comedy and horror movies. I didn't want to spend the whole ride in pain from laughing, so I decided horror was good after a couple of comedy. Anyways. The last door on the left was a guest bedroom that was just as small as the giant closet, so nobody wanted it. Oh well. Then lastly, the last door on the right was my room. What's even better is that my parents put a new door on it, which was my old door from the old house. I had ti have some kind of memory, and I painted that door fair and square. I'm not letting go of that door any time soon. Of course, it's a little messed up from the many times of rage, but it's alright. It's a good memory. The room consists of black painted walls, white ceiling, and pure white wood flooring. My parents took extra precautions, and painted my floor with a clear sealer, that would make sure the wood wouldn't stain, which were glad for, since we're known in the house for spills, and accidents. Yet somehow I haven't broken a bone. Funny. My belongings somewhat go with the black and white theme, which is partially the reason I asked for it. Plus it's upstairs, and it's th only room there. Extra privacy. There are two more rooms downstairs, which my parents and sibling have inhabited. Their rooms are uglier in my opinion, but then again, nobody asked me about my opinion yet. Thank Jesus for that, because I'd have to be honest. They can definitely do better. I love them, but taste is not one of their strong suits. Then again, mine isn't exactly the best either. I should probably stop judging. The downstairs consisted of a beige kitchen, and matching beige living room. We all decided beige, black and white were best to not hurt all of our eyes. By we, I mean my parents and me. If (Si/n) had a choice, it would be painful to look at anything, considering their color choice would be all the colors found in the world. I still haven't figured out how they aren't blind. The living room and kitchen are across from each other, a hallway between the two. The room doors downstairs are in the hallways. An interesting build. The floors are made of slick black wood, and the kitchen floor being white marble with hints of black and deep red in it. This house suits my taste a lot. Makes the move a lot easier for me. On top of that, I learned that the exams to enter UA are beginning in a week. I've trained all my life, mainly for fun, but this week I'll have to train extra hard. I can't wait. I couldn't even believe my parents gave me permission, considering they are so overprotective. I think this is gonna be a new beginning, and a good one at that. Bye, diary.☆

I sighed, finishing the diary entry I put in, smiling softly. 'This should be a lovely, new beginning...I hope so at least.' I thought to myself, pulling the covers over me in my new room. As sleep drags me, my spiritual side kicks in. I now know I'm going to UA, because my spiritual side predicts that I'm going to meet someone special real soon. It doesnt necessarily mean I'll go there, but it's a good chance. A good feeling bubbling in my heart, as the sleep angels take me to dream heaven.

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